False perpetrator of attack on mayoral candidate appears at police station, police say | Santos and Region


Last Wednesday (11), the prefectural armored vehicle was the target of at least five shots. According to the Civil Police, the suspect appeared on duty at the São Vicente Headquarters Police Station, claiming to be the author of the shots that hit the vehicle that was transporting the candidate Solange Freitas, Deputy Gil del Concejo and three other people of the campaign team.

Car of Solange Freitas, candidate for mayor of São Vicente, gets shot

Car of Solange Freitas, candidate for mayor of São Vicente, gets shot

Resident of São Vicente, the boy appeared accompanied by a lawyer, around 6 in the afternoon, and stated that shortly after the crime he got rid of the clothes and helmet he was wearing, as well as the pistol and motorcycle that he used the action.

According to the Police, their version is limited to the facts and images disseminated by the media and do not coincide with what has already been determined by the investigation team, mainly with regard to the route before and after the attack and in addition, to the contact made with another. man just before the assassination attempt, who showed him the victim’s car.

In undisclosed images taken by the police team, the actual perpetrator was found to have a right toe injury. There is no harm to the false author, as determined by a medical examination performed by the Legal Medical Institute (IML).

The true author has an injury to his right foot, according to the Civil Police – Photo: Disclosure / Civil Police

The young man who showed up has fines for illegal possession of a weapon and is responsible for dangerous driving. Even so, according to the police, investigations continue to find the author of the attack on Solange Freitas.

During a live on social networks on Saturday night, the candidate assures that, at that moment, they tried to kill her with her team. “People linked to the Pedro Gouvêa government tried to say on social networks that it was a trap. The police, who do an excellent job, discovered that this man is not the sniper. It was not he who shot me. False communication of the crime. It is Absurd. Look what this government is doing to us. Look what they are doing to me, “Solange said.

In response, the current mayor and also a candidate, Pedro Gouvêa (MDB), delivered a speech live on social media, stating that he will demand justice for the resolution of the case. “It gets ridiculous, first by the irresponsible mayoral candidate Solange Freitas. I am outraged by his stance on citing my name, it means that we are planting someone at the police station to give testimony. Many years ago I never had to do anything or anything like that to promote myself. I know what you are capable of achieving your goals. There is a lot of positioning and ethics to be honest with the city of São Vicente ”, says Gouvêa.

At that time, she was with four other people, being the host, campaign producer, advisor and candidate for vice mayor, Gil do Conselho. They were passing by Monteiro Lobato Avenue, in Vila Voturuá, around 10:30 am, when a motorcyclist approached the vehicle and shot it in the direction of the passenger window.

The car of the candidate for mayor of São Vicente, Solange Freitas (PSDB), is targeted by bullets – Photo: G1 Santos

After shooting, the driver accelerated the motorcycle and ran away. “The focus was on where I sit, which is usually in the front,” explains Solange in an interview with G1. She believes someone was following the car they were in.

A video, obtained exclusively by TV Tribuna producer Luiz Linna, shows the moment when the motorcycle approaches the candidate’s car and fires the shots. Then speed up and run away. (See the video above)

“I don’t see any other reason than to be a politician. Why would they do that? I didn’t imagine it would come to that. It is not just an attack on me. They want me to give up, but I won’t, ”he concludes.

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