Ronaldo Quattrucci, 56, also died in the accident. The professional, according to Cenipa, carried out actions considered incorrect during the operation of the helicopter. According to the report, it did not verify that the on-board instruments were working perfectly. His attitudes during the flight also contributed to the accident, according to the FAB.
The helicopter crashed on the Anhanguera highway, in the Rodoanel, in São Paulo, and hit the front of a truck passing by on the highway on February 11, 2019.
See the factors that contributed to the accident, according to Cenipa:
- Aircraft maintenance
- Pilot attitude
- Organizational culture of the pilot’s company (who also owned the helicopter)
- Indiscipline of the pilot’s flight
- Commander’s test ride
- Decision making at the time of tragedy
The document points in particular to Aircraft compressor failures, which has not had full updates or changes since 1988. The compressor had expired parts at the time of the accident. The aircraft’s oil distribution pipeline was also “” oversupplied several times, “according to Cenipa.
The pilot obtained technical approval from the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) on August 9, 2017.
“No compressor overhaul records have been found or submitted since 1988,” Cenipa said.
The investigation found that “there was inefficiency, on the part of the operator (the pilot), in terms of the maintenance organization, in the monitoring and execution of the maintenance processes” of the helicopter.
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The art shows the location of the helicopter accident in which journalist Ricardo Boechat and pilot Ronaldo Quattrucci died – Photo: Alexandre Mauro / Editoria de Arte / G1
Other factors that contributed to the accident were abnormal wear of some parts – which caused the aircraft to be overloaded and the tail rotor connecting shaft to break at the time of the fall -, and the indiscipline on the part of the commander, which, according to the FAB, made an air taxi flight without having operational authorization to do so.
Both the pilot and the helicopter could not make air taxi flights (when there is payment for the trip).
Cenipa report on a plane crash with journalist Ricardo Boechat points to a maintenance failure – Photo: Reproduction
Place where the helicopter that took journalist Ricardo Boechat crashed, in Rodovia Anhanguera, in SP – Photo: Marcelo Gonçalves / Sigmapress / Estadão Content
The son of a diplomat, Ricardo Eugênio Boechat was born on July 13, 1952 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The journalist was a presenter for Jornal da Band, Radio BandNews FM and a columnist for the magazine “IstoÉ” when he died in the plane crash.
Throughout a 49-year career, which began in the early 1970s, Boechat wrote in newspapers such as “Diário de Notícias”, “O Globo”, “Jornal do Brasil”, “O Estado de S. Paulo” I day “.
From 1990 to 2001, Boechat was part of TV Globo’s “Bom Dia Brasil” team, with a daily column marked by his acid humor and irreverence. At the station, he was also in “Jornal da Globo”.
He was also director of journalism at Band and spent time at SBT.
Boechat won the Esso award three times, one of the main awards in Brazilian journalism.
Ricardo Boechat – Photo: Reproduction: TV Globo
Ricardo Boechat told Memória Globo how he started his career