Experts defend the return to school in Rio’s schools, despite the Court’s decision


RIO: Parents have already considered juggling to manage online education, a solution for most private schools during the pandemic. After six months of empty classrooms, private school students were expected to return to face-to-face activities on Monday. However, a decision by the Labor Court threw a bucket of cold water on the expectations of officials and schools this Thursday afternoon. Although bars, restaurants and most commercial activities have already been made more flexible, Judge Elisio Correa de Moraes Neto determined that schools should not reopen their doors until everyone is vaccinated or it is proven that there are no risks to society. In a note, the Attorney General’s Office said it will analyze the decision.

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For infectologists, however, the moment is, yes, of resumption. The UFRJ professor, Dr. Alberto Chebabo maintains that, with almost all the activities released, it makes no sense to keep students away from the classrooms. It says that it is only essential that schools follow strict hygiene protocols:

– It is necessary to go out, reduce the number of students in the classroom, rotate classes and have protocols for the eventual appearance of cases.

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The infectologist Tânia Vergara, from the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases, is also in favor of going back to school, as long as the pandemic indicators are constantly monitored. For her, if it gets worse, just go back to reopening.

– We are in a situation of decreasing cases of the disease, but infectologists have the impression that they may rise again due to the behavior of the population. People think that relaxation is getting back to what it was before. The crowding scenes we saw last weekend could generate a new peak in 10 to 14 days. And if the scenario worsens, classes may be suspended again.

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Union action

The magistrate decided the suspension in response to a request from the Teachers Union of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and Region. In his preliminary decision, he argued that “the moving average of infected people in Rio de Janeiro has not yet reached a concrete reduction, showing fluctuations.” The judge also affirmed that “the return to classes represents a significant agglomeration of people in the same closed environment and in public transport, when compared with other activities in which the return has already occurred.”

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On Thursday, Rio recorded 940 cases and 101 deaths in 24 hours, a 27% reduction in the moving average of deaths, indicating a possible drop in contagion. In total, the state represents 234,813 cases of Covid-19 and 16,871 victims.

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The suspension of the resumption by the Labor Court is not the first setback faced by the private network. The mayor’s office had authorized the gradual and optional return of activities at the beginning of last month, but it was prevented by a decision of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice. The state, on August 20, in turn published a decree that allows private schools to reopen on September 14. As of Thursday, it had yet to be challenged.

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Unaware of the change, several large schools had announced the return to face-to-face classes, following the rules of the “new normal”, such as removal of chairs, alcohol gel containers strewn in hallways, bathrooms and patios, and warnings about use mandatory mask. The six units of Colégio QI, two of Carolina Patrício, in Barra and São Conrado, Mopi, Tijuca and Itanhangá, Escola Nova, in Gávea, and Colégio Veiga de Almeida, in Barra, were scheduled to reopen. among others.

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Some establishments had planned to resume later, such as Escola Sá Pereira, in Botafogo, and the Elite and Bahiense networks, which only intended to open gradually, from the 21st. Others had not even set dates, such as Escola Parque, Pensé, Marista São José, Centro Educacional da Lagoa, Liceu Franco-Brasileiro and AaZ. Fearing the change that ended, Bahiense chose to wait.

– We intend to take a week off from the launch date, fearing that some change will happen and the government will return. We are going to use it this week to train the cleaning teams and disinfect the living spaces – said the academic director of Early Childhood Education and the first years of the Bahiense Primary School, Bruna Bahiense.

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Taken by surprise

At Thaís Rossato’s house, the suspension of the return to school frustrated expectations. The mother of Francisco, 9, and Helena, 7, had even prepared the children’s backpacks in advance. In addition to notebooks and books, she had guaranteed space for masks packed in plastic bags. Now, you will have to overcome the disappointment of your children.

– When the decree authorized the return, a whole dynamic was created. Schools and families were prepared, generating anxiety. Suddenly, we can’t go back. When thinking about education, different aspects of everyone involved are taken into account. This indecision has consequences – Thaís said.

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To guarantee respect for the rules, Escola Nova, where Thaís’ children study, had invested in partnership with their parents. The establishment intended to return, initially, with 30% of the students. Beginning Monday, 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th grade elementary school and 3rd year high school students would return on a rotating basis. Beginning on the 21st, students from other grades would leave remote study. According to the general director, Verinha Affonseca, the program was based on surveys and frequent meetings with those responsible:

– Partnership with parents is what will make it work. It does not make sense for the school to bathe in alcohol gel if the children do not respect the protocols.

Download here: GLOBO Handbook on risks and care for a safe return to school

Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, graduate professor in Education at Uerj, is reticent about going back to school. She says it will be difficult for children and teens to follow the protocols:

– Not only is everyone tired of staying home, but there are many parents who need to get back to work. If these kids can’t go to school, what do you do? It is necessary to offer alternative measures. Social isolation between children and adolescents is impossible. The protocols that are being returned to the school are unenforceable.
