ES will buy 452 beds in the private network for coronavirus cases


Works are underway to build more beds at the Dório Silva Hospital in Serra
Work is being carried out, such as those at the Dório Silva Hospital in Serra, to offer more beds also on the state network. Credit: Disclosure / ES Government

The State Department of Health (Sesa) will expand the offer of SUS vacancies to serve patients with the new coronavirus (Covid-19). To this end, it plans to buy 452 beds in private hospitals: 283 nursing and 169 in intensive care units (ICU). With the measure, the prospect is to reach 1,279 units by the end of June.

The new offer is part of the second phase of the bed expansion, the details of which will be published in an ordinance in this Tuesday’s edition (28) in the Official Gazette. In addition to the possibility of acquiring vacancies in private hospitals, the publication will also point to the reinforcement of beds in areas with more demand and the supply in regions that are not yet covered, according to the state’s undersecretary for Health Surveillance, Luiz Carlos Reblin.

“The details of this supply of beds, where we are going to expand, what are the public reference hospitals, where we will include other hospitals, everything will be in the planning presented in the ordinance,” says Reblin.

In the private network, beds are reserved and available when those in public hospitals are no longer sufficient to guarantee assistance to the population. Payment, Reblin says, is only made when the bed is actually used.

At the end of the month, Sesa estimates 813 beds in total to treat patients with Covid-19, including contracts with the private network for SUS. In two months, the forecast is to reach 652 ICUs plus 667 rooms, for a total of 1,279.


There is also an attempt to purchase another 200 respirators. When asked about alternatives in case the purchase doesn’t materialize, as the problem is in high demand from various states and countries, Reblin prefers to believe that the situation will be resolved in May. “We have several fronts underway and everything possible is being done to guarantee the necessary supplies to face the pandemic,” he concludes.
