Entrepreneurs classified as unproductive video conference meeting with Bolsonaro


SÃO PAULO – Businessmen who attended the meeting of President Jair Bolsonaro and Minister Paulo Guedes (Economy), by videoconference, on Thursday, consider that the debate was positive, but unproductive. GLOBO spoke with six executives who participated in the meeting organized by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp), who only spoke anonymously.

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The evaluation is that, once again, the government understands the agenda well, but does not present practical measures to get out of the crisis. Some businessmen said they were surprised by the lack of effective government proposals at a time of severe economic crisis. They say they expected faster solutions to try, according to them, to minimize the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Flavio Rocha, from the Guararapes (Riachuelo) group, saw the meeting as positive and, contrary to what his colleagues secretly said, productive. He said that businessmen advocated ways for money to reach the top of companies at this time of crisis. He also said that job flexibilities, reduced hours and wages, and suspension of employment contracts were celebrated as a way to avoid an explosion of job vacancies, as seen in the United States.

He also stated that the businessmen did not request an extension of the emergency aid payment of R $ 600, because, he said, the solution will come only with the resumption of the economy. He indicated that the government and the businessmen are united in the strategy of making the mayors, not the governors, decide on social isolation measures:

– The proposal to decentralize the decision to gradually liberate all the municipalities that, within the key parameters, which are the overload of the health system and the penetration of viruses, would liberate the economy, was very well managed. Rocha said.

The president again defended the resumption of the economy, but without presenting practical measures for it. It is up to executives to suggest suggestions, such as increasing credit lines to overcome the pandemic and presenting specific points for job changes and tax reform.

Paulo Skaf, president of Fiesp and organizer of the meeting, which this time had almost 500 participants, including directors and officials from Fiesp, reported that the dialogue was positive. Then, in an interview with “CNN Brazil”, he defended a relaxation of the rules of social isolation, believing that it would be better for municipalities to decide whether or not to resume the economy. Today the rules are state.

Skaf said that there are many municipalities that are “without a single case”, but with a closed economy “for almost two months.” Guedes advocated a similar solution at the meeting.

Entrepreneurs who participated in the videoconference also pointed out that Minister Paulo Guedes continues with an optimistic tone, which is in disagreement with the opinion of analysts on the economy. The minister affirmed that the country “surprised the world” with the pension reform and that the country “will surprise” the commas resumed and the economy advanced.
