THE federal government launched new deliveries of the emergency help. The distribution was caused by citizens who had their orders denied on Caixa and Dataprev digital platforms, or had their payment revalued in January due to new configurations in government data. Approximately 22 thousand were benefited.
Then, the people who received the aid will be able to receive the amount of up to R $ 3,000, since most of the beneficiaries approved in the current batch (12,000 people) will receive up to five installments of R $ 600.
The government has allocated almost R $ 8 million in resources to serve this group. The payment of the fees that contain the original amount was established in Law No. 13,982, of April 2, 2020, which also regulated the creation of emergency aid for those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Extension of emergency assistance
There are 9.4 thousand beneficiaries who will be entitled to the extension of emergency aid. These will receive arrears of R $ 300 or R $ 600, in the payment of rounds 6 to 9.
The citizens who competed on the Dataprev website were approved to receive four installments of R $ 300. The winners were 561. In addition, a group of 371 people will receive an amount, which is R $ 1,200, in the rounds of plots 7 , 8 and 9.
According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the benefit is already available for withdrawals and other transactions through the Caixa Tem application. The provision is for babies born in any month of the year and with a period of up to 90 days to use, otherwise the amount is withheld and transferred to the Union safe.
How to consult emergency help
Citizens who fit into one of the previous groups will be able to consult the new 2021 emergency aid payments, through the Caixa platform, at www.auxilio.caixa.gov.br or the Dataprev website in collaboration with the Ministry of Citizenship , at www. .consultaauxilio.dataprev.gov.br.
It is worth mentioning that the distribution is only available to those who registered until the deadline of the previous cycle, respectively, July 2, 2020.