Emergency aid with a fixed amount of R $ 1,200 in 2021? SEE


The Bill (PL) 2,099 / 20 provides for the payment of emergency aid for mothers who are heads of household, which pays the amount of R $ 1,200 per installment, return fixed / permanent. This project is currently being analyzed by the Chamber of Deputies. Deputy Assis Carvalho (PT-PI) is responsible for the project.

If the bill is approved, it will benefit Brazilian providers of single-parent families. In other words, women in which families have at least one dependent under the age of 18 and who do not have a spouse or partner will benefit.

Even after the analysis of the Chamber, the bill will also be analyzed by the Defense of Women’s Rights, Social Security and Family, Finance and Taxation, Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Currently, to be entitled to emergency aid of R $ 1,200, aimed at mothers who are heads of families, it is necessary not to have a formal job, be over 18 years of age, not be a beneficiary of social security or assistance program and not receive unemployment insurance or government income transfer program, except Bolsa Família.

It is also necessary to have a monthly per capita family income of up to half the minimum wage of R $ 522.50, or a total monthly family income of up to three minimum wages of R $ 3,135. Among the requirements remains to be an individual micro-entrepreneur (MEI), informal worker, self-employed or unemployed.

What Bolsonaro says about the extension

President Jair Bolsonaro once again confirmed that the emergency help it will not spread. In addition, the chief executive confirmed that a new income distribution program will not be created and stated that the idea is to “slightly increase” the current Bolsa Família assistance program.

According to Bolsonaro, the aid paid to vulnerable people by the crisis caused by Covid-19 is of an urgent nature. According to him, Brazil has the capacity to borrow and cannot “unbalance.”

“Whoever talks about Renda Brasil, I will give him a red card, there is no more talk,” Bolsonaro said in an interview with the presenter of the TV Band José Luiz Datena. Renda Brasil was the program planned by the Government to replace Bolsa Família.

“The aid is emergency, the name itself says it: it is emergency, we cannot continue to signal that it extends and extends and extends,” said the president, adding that “it ends now in December.

When referring to the fact that the focus will now be on the Bolsa Família, Bolsonaro confirmed what he has been saying to the economic team: “We will try to increase that a little.”

The president also argued that the country has to keep its accounts to avoid rising inflation, “the most damaging tax that exists for everyone,” he said.
