The Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, revealed that the value of the next installments must be between R $ 175 and R $ 375. The announcement was made this week.
In the statement, the parliamentarian defended the amount of emergency aid 2021 and said that the Ministry of Economy is not primarily responsible for the estimate, but rather receives the information and reports the basic parameters.
“This is an average value, because if it is a single-parent family, headed by a woman, then it is already R $ 375. If you have a single man, it is already R $ 175. If it is a couple, both of them are already R $ 250. This is the Ministry of Citizenship, we only give the basic parameters, but the decision of the scope is the Ministry of Citizenship, “the minister explained at a press conference at the Planalto Palace, according to information from the Metropoles portal.
The average value, on the other hand, must be previously informed: R $ 250. The amount must be paid for at least another four months. The minister did not say when the emergency aid should return, but said approval was close.
Emergency assistance was essential to guarantee income to low-income families that were severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Minister of Citizenship, João Roma, projected this week that emergency aid should resume from March. The new emergency aid may begin to be paid if the Chamber of Deputies approves the Emergency PEC until next week, which allows the benefit to be resumed.
“Having managed to approve until next Wednesday, the ministry team intends that we can make the payments in March. This is the goal set by President Bolsonaro. Announced emergency aid in the amount of R $ 250 for four months. From what I spoke with the mayor, Arthur Lira, the intention is to vote next week, ”he said.
According to Roma, the complex operation of payment of the benefit during the past year gave the ministry knowledge and generated a huge database on the beneficiaries. “It is not a simple operation, it is a very large operation. There are millions of beneficiaries of the program. So, adjust all that, check the data, including the elimination from the database of some who do not have the right to receive it, “he said.
“The crossing of this data already generates greater comfort as we begin to perceive with precision certain specific audiences that should not receive assistance. The first payment reached more than 68 million Brazilians and ended with around 55 million. And, with the crossing of these data, we should have a universe of about 46 million Brazilians in this new aid. It is a great advance, there is a lot of information so that this public resource reaches the Brazilian who needs it most. It is a job that the Ministry of Citizenship has developed with great attention, care and dedication, “he added.
The Minister of Citizenship once again emphasized that social policy and economic policy are two sides of the same coin. “We need to have a lot of responsibility on this path, both to take care of these Brazilians who most need the support of the government, and to maintain economic stability, because once we have a problem in the economic area, all Brazilians are affected.” .
Emergency aid in 2021: will you need to register?
It will not be necessary for the citizen to make any type of new registration to receive the new quotas for emergency aid.
As mentioned above, it will not be necessary for the Brazilian citizen to register with the Federal Government. Therefore, the same beneficiaries who already registered and received last year will be the same beneficiaries who will receive this year.
But it is worth mentioning that not everyone will receive. It so happens that the Government implemented the so-called comb to verify the data of several Brazilians, which will reduce the number of people who will receive emergency aid. Therefore, only those most in need should have access to them.
The number of beneficiaries will be reduced: Please understand
Approximately 33 million Brazilian citizens, in addition to the more than 14 million beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program, were selected through an intersection of databases, which was used as a funnel to determine the recipients of the new round of the emergency help. The work was carried out in the last 11 months.
The first benefit, which began to be paid in April last year, reached more than 65 million people. However, with the extension that began in September and with the distribution of the amount in half, the aid served 57 million citizens.
A platform developed by the Digital Government and Social Security and Labor departments was used to cross 11 databases. The new method will also be used for future income and employment distribution programs.
Among the 11 databases used are INSS, MEI, CNIS and Caged. With only the use of the CPF of the citizen it is possible to discern if he is an official, military, retiree, pensioner, businessman and who are his heirs / dependents in the Income Tax.