Emergency aid of R $ 600 for another 6 months in 2021? SEE


Deposits of emergency help followed by December 2020, that is, there are still no prospects for benefit extension in 2021. For this reason, in the last week, a movement of parliamentarians proposed the payment of the benefit, urgently, of R $ 600 during the first half of 2021.

Or plane consists of no Bill (PL) 5,494 / 20, by Senators Rogério Carvalho (PT-SE) and Paulo Rocha (PT-PA). The measure, very similar to emergency aid, also aims to include beneficiaries with insufficient resources and those with two members per family unit.

The text aims, above all, to establish exceptional social protection actions to be undertaken during the period of economic rehabilitation of the coronavirus.

“It is urgent that the National Congress approve protective measures […] in the case of an extension of the state of health emergency of international importance, a fact that is becoming more and more likely every day ”, the authors state.

About the proposal

The payment proposal for the new emergency aid during the first half of the year (first half of 2021) it still needs to be approved for it to take effect. If approved, the benefit will be paid through a digital social savings account, with movement through the application. Box has.

According to the project, those responsible for the household (single parent) will receive two installments, totaling R $ 1,200 in the first semester of 2021. In addition, the authors of the measure add that those registered in the Bolsa Família program will also be able to participate.

“Receiving the benefit of the Bolsa Família program does not exclude the right to emergency assistance, limiting each family group to receive up to two emergency assistance fees or one emergency assistance fee and a benefit of the Bolsa Família Program”, details the senators.


According to the text of PL 5,949 / 20, the new implementation of the R $ 600 emergency aid in 2021 will require the following requirements from the beneficiaries:

  • Not having a formal job;
  • be over 18 years old (with the exception of teenage mothers);
  • Have a monthly per capita household income of up to 1/4 of the minimum wage or a total monthly household income of up to three minimum wages;
  • Not receive social security and assistance benefits, or even be beneficiaries of unemployment insurance or the federal income transfer program (with the exception of Bolsa Família);
  • Carry out activities as an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI), informal worker or as an individual contributor to the General Social Security System (RGPS).

At the moment, the text is still awaiting the recognition of the other parliamentarians. The move is considered important, especially with the increase in new cases of new virus infections in recent weeks.

“The second wave of contagion continues to increase the number of infected and daily deaths. Imagining the entire planet immunized and the world economy returning to normal is not for now. Bureaucratic, financial and logistical challenges are some of the obstacles that will surely lead to uncertainties until at least mid-2021, ”the senators said in the text of the proposal.
