Emergency aid in 2021 may increase in value; look how much


“There was a gap (in payments) for January, February, for an alternative to be studied, perhaps expanding the first installment to, from there, continue what was negotiated with the government,” said Dias.

So far, no concrete steps have been announced regarding 2021 emergency aid, however behind the scenes at least the release is being negotiated in Congress., four installments of R $ 250.

Find out here who should receive the aid, the number of beneficiaries has been reduced to almost half of what was paid in the first round in 2020. Also understand the fine comb that was carried out: In total 11 databases were used in the survey conducted for this possible new 2021 emergency aid payment round.

Emergency assistance also depends on the approval of the Proposed Emergency Constitution Amendment (PEC). Among other changes, the text will allow the benefit to escape fiscal rules, such as, for example, the spending ceiling.

The government also argues that it is important to contain public debts. See below.

Aid without adjustment will cause problems and high interest rates, says Economía

The Secretariat of Economic Policy (SPE), linked to the Ministry of Economy, issued a note on Tuesday (02) in which it emphasizes that any payment of the aid must have a counterpart. “The extension of emergency aid, according to recent experience, must again be accompanied by a sign of fiscal responsibility,” says the note.

The ministry maintains that the control of costs and counterparts is essential so that the aid does not generate an increase in interest rates, for example.

“It should be noted that the extension of an emergency policy, without the correct adjustment in the fiscal consolidation framework, will have negative effects on the financial conditions of the country, promoting the deterioration of assets, increasing risk and increasing future interest rates. . reduce the purchasing power of households, make investment more expensive and increase unemployment. The past shows us that the lack of fiscal control affects mainly the poorest families, ”the text warns.
