Emergency aid discount not allowed


Discount on emergency aid is prohibited. CAIXA informs that the Federal Government’s Emergency Assistance credit will not be charged for customs debts or financial debt installments, the amortization of the outstanding balance or any other debt, allowing the beneficiary to have full availability of the amounts received. Download the free application Portal Mix Vale

Expected releases of pending installments will not be debited from Emergency Aid.

Coronavirus: mothers entitled to emergency aid of R $ 1,200 will receive from the 14th day (opens in a new browser tab)

Furthermore, customer complaints regarding discounts on the amount credited for Emergency Assistance have not been recorded in CAIXA’s systems so far.

CAIXA provides the contact channels (www.fale-conosco.caixa.gov.br) and SAC 0800 726 0101 to register complaints about the emergency aid credit, which will be treated as a priority.

Important mistakes in emergency aid at Caixa in 2020

Main errors in the emergency assistance in Caixa in 2020. Whoever is in CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) will receive emergency assistance automatically, without having to download or register in the Caixa application. Download the free application Portal Mix Vale

The deadline to register in the federal registry was March 20. The system is temporarily suspended due to technological adjustments.1 7

Lonely mothers waiting for government help

Grazielle Cristina Beraldo, 34, with three of her seven children; together with the children, ages 1, 7, and 10, awaits government assistance in the Nove favela, in the Ceagesp region of western São Paulo

Grazielle Cristina Beraldo, 34, with three of her seven children; together with the children, ages 1, 7, and 10, awaits government assistance in the Nove favela, in the Ceagesp region of western São Paulo

CadÚnico collects data and information to identify all low-income families in the country so that they can be included in social assistance and income redistribution programs.

It is possible to confirm that you are registered in the registry through the website of the Ministry of Citizenship https://meucadunico.cidadania.gov.br/meu_cadunico/, through the My CadÚnico application and by calling 0800-7072003.

The application for emergency aid also warns if the person interested in the benefit already has CadÚnico, just inform the CPF and other basic personal information.

Find out if you are in the Single Registry: see 3 routes (opens in a new browser tab)


The CPF must be in order for the record in Emergency Aid to be analyzed. If you’re suspended, you should check to see if there are any outstanding issues with the Federal Revenue Service, like missing tax returns or voter registration.

Voters who are not even in the Electoral Court due to debt due to the absence of elections can issue a fine on the TRE-SP website, http://www.tre-sp.jus.br/eleitor.

After payment, send the payment receipt to the electoral registry email.

Disputes with the Federal Tax Service can be resolved at the site http://receita.economia.gov.br/.

Understand government emergency aid for workers during the coronavirus crisis

What it is: the project foresees the granting of a grant of R $ 600 to informal mothers and R $ 1,200 to single mothers

What it is: The project provides for the granting of R $ 600 to the informal and R $ 1,200 to single mothers Lucio Tavora – 18.Mar.2020 / XinhuaRead More

Single registration: services available in the new application (opens in a new browser tab)

Who is entitled to emergency aid?

According to the law, you can receive assistance accumulate the following conditions:

  • You are over 18
  • He has no formal job
  • Do not receive Social Security or INSS benefits, obtain unemployment insurance, or be part of any other government cash transfer program, with the exception of Bolsa Família
  • Have a family income, per person, of up to half a minimum wage, which is R $ 522.50 today, or a monthly family income of up to three minimum wages (R $ 3,135)
  • In 2018, he received taxable income of less than R $ 28,559.70.

The future beneficiary must also comply at least one these conditions:

  • Exercise activity as MEI (individual microentrepreneur)
  • Be an individual or optional Social Security taxpayer, in the simplified plan or in the 5% plan
  • Work as an informal, unemployed, autonomous or intermittent employee, registered in CadÚnico until March 20 of this year or who makes a self-declaration and delivers it to the government

Two benefits in the family.

  • Up to two people from the same family may accumulate benefits: one for emergency aid and the other for Bolsa Família
  • If the aid is greater than the scholarship, the person can choose the aid

Statement of income

  • The average income will be verified through CadÚnico for registered and, for non-registered, with self-declaration on digital platform
  • Family income will include all income earned by all members living in the same household, except money from Bolsa Família

Free INSS courses without open enrollment on the Internet (opens in a new browser tab)
