Emergency Aid 2021: Caixa announces new forms of payment


TO Federal Economic Fund announced that it already has the payment schedule for the new emergency aid. The bank will follow the same strategy used last year, transferring the profit through smaller groups, with the aim of faster distribution.

The institution is awaiting the publication of the Provisional Measure of the new program, to publicize the payment schedule. Given this, the Caixa team drew up one more action plan as a result of the payments.

As in 2020, the transfer of the benefit will be made through the application. Box has. First, the balance can only be moved through online purchases and bill payments.

A selection will be made according to the data included in the application. To do this, the bank created a schedule for users to update the data.

The update period began yesterday and continues until March 18, so as not to exhaust the Caixa Tem system. The calendar is divided by the customer’s birthday month. Check out the full schedule below:

Born in Update date
Janeiro March 11th
February March 11th
March March 12
April March 12
May March, 15th
June March, 15th
July March 16
August March 16
September March 17
October March 17
November March 18th
December March 18th

New emergency aid

Senator Márcio Bittar, creator and rapporteur of the Proposal for an Emergency Constitutional Amendment (PEC), established in his report a limit of R $ 44 billion to be spent on the new emergency aid program.

The president of the republic, Jair Bolsonaro, had also released details about the new benefit. The new round will cover 46 million Brazilians, including the 14 million beneficiaries of Bolsa Família, with four installments with an average value corresponding to R $ 250. Specifically, according to the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, the installments will be between R $ 175 to R $ 375.
