Emergency aid: 2.6 million will have to pay back the money


The Ministry of Citizenship recently released a letter warning that 2.6 million Brazilians will be notified by SMS to return the money for emergency aid. The charge will be sent to anyone who improperly received the benefit, according to the federal government.

According to estimates by the Ministry of Citizenship, if each of the notified persons returns at least a part of R $ 600, the government will recover approximately R $ 1.57 billion. Despite the estimates, the government predicts that it will be necessary to strengthen collection.

The government expects to send up to 4.8 million SMSThe government expects to send up to 4.8 million SMSSource: Suno Research

The ministry’s estimates call for 4.8 million messages to be sent. That is, in addition to the initial charge, the government projects almost double the number of SMS messages to remind the 2.6 million Brazilians of the reimbursement of the benefit.

Presentations start soon

The Ministry of Economy has confirmed that messages will be sent and the notifications will start from next weekend. According to the agency, the operation will cost R $ 162 thousand to the government coffers.

Whoever receives the SMS must enter the website of the Ministry of Citizenship to receive the instructions and make the return. The procedure will be carried out only at devolucaoauxilioemergencial.cidadania.gov.br/devolucao. So stay tuned for possible scams related to the situation.

Notified Brazilians must enter the website of the Ministry of Citizenship to generate a Union Collection Guide (GRU)Notified Brazilians must enter the website of the Ministry of Citizenship to generate a Union Collection Guide (GRU)Source: Ministry of Citizenship.

The user can access the government system and use the CPF to generate a Union Collection Guide (GRU) to return money received in error. Payment can be made at any bank, according to the Ministry of Citizenship.

Brazilians who are notified and do not return the money may be subject to the law art. 2 of Law No. 13,982 / 2020 and respond criminally for the fact.
