The PT candidate, Jilmar Tatto, said on a social network that he called Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) to be available to “change course” in the São Paulo capital, paving the way for a PT-PSOL alliance against the toucan Bruno Covas. With 32.8% and 20.2% of the votes, respectively, Covas and Bruno will meet again on November 29. In Rio, Eduardo Paes and Marcelo Crivella go to the second round. The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) delayed the total calculation of results by three hours and attributed the slowness to a supercomputer, which centralized the vote count, slowing down. The hackers’ action was aimed at discrediting the elections, the newspaper says. Abstention reached 23.14%, the highest rate of voter absence in a municipal election since 2008. The court’s estimate, however, was that the rate could reach 30%, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
See the highlights of the 2020 election coverage:
See which Brazilian capitals already have definite results: Curitiba, Florianópolis and Palmas have reelected their mayors.
- Jilmar Tatto paves the way for a PT-PSOL alliance in the second round in São Paulo.
- Covas and Boulos run a second round in São Paulo.
- In Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes (37%) and Marcelo Crivella (21.8%) go to the second round
- Alexandre Kalil is re-elected in the first round in Belo Horizonte
- TSE faces slowness in the system and delays the release of results.
- TSE suffers an attempted attack from a hacker, but the action has been “totally neutralized”.