Eduardo Bolsonaro shoots in balls to disclose sex of filho em chá de revelção | Policy – Latest Policy News


Eduardo Bolsonaro looks at balão to reveal that his wife is pregnant with a girl

Eduardo Bolsonaro watches in balão to reveal that his wife is pregnant with a girl (Photo: Reprodução / Twitter)

Or federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) used a spingarda of model not identified to disclose, on this Sunday, 10, or sex da criança waiting with wife, to psychologist Heloísa Wolf. Or “chá de revelação” happens in the residence of not Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro.

Filmed Pelo Pai, or President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro (sem party), Ele Atirou Num Balão. Or the house waits for a girl, symbolized by the pink liberated hair object to or estourar. “Happy Dia das Mães para a mais nova mamãe do pedaço, Heloísa”, the new social networks.

In the past year Heloísa sofreu miscarriage in the ninth week of gestation. A nova gravidez foi announced hairs dois no day April 21.

Eduardo Bolsonaro uses a weapon to reveal the sex of the filho

OPENS: O house announced in April to gestação da criança

Or federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) used a sneak peek of a model not identified to disclose on this Sunday, the 10th, or sex of criança waiting with his wife, a psychologist Heloísa Wolf. A commemoration happens in the residence, not Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro.

Filmed pelo pai, or President Jair Bolsonaro (sem divided), ele atirou num balão. O casal waits for a girl, symbolized by the pink liberated balão hair. “Happy day of tomorrow for the most new mother of the Heloísa pedagogue”, the new social networks.

In the past year, Heloísa sofreu miscarriage in the ninth week of gestation. A nova gravidez foi announced hairs dois no day April 21.

