Dunga will have a barbecue to see Tetra and remembers a punishment against Italy: “It was me against the world” | soccer


After wearing the gold medal.Dunga expects Romário to be hugged by João Havelange. The captain also wins the sponsorship of the then President of FIFA, greets other authorities and receive the world cup. The fourth player from Brazil to have that assignment, on that unforgettable afternoon of July 17, 1994 in Pasadena, California. After kissing her, he turns to the 94,000 fans at the Rose Bowl and lifts her up screaming. Eternal like the captain of Tetra.

The iconic scene will be repeated this Sunday afternoon on TV Globo from 3:45 pm (Brasilia time). Fans will be able to follow the World Cup 94 final between Brazil x Italy with the original narration by Galvão Buenos and Rei Pelé’s comments.

After a 0-0 draw in normal time and overtime, Carlos Alberto Parreira’s team beat Azzurra 3 to 2. The national team, in fact, came from the feet of the historic shirt 8. And it will be revised by him, accompanied by the traditional gaucho barbecue next to the family.

Silly with the Tetra Cup - Photo: Getty ImagesSilly with the Tetra Cup - Photo: Getty Images

Silly with the Tetra Cup – Photo: Getty Images

You are so happy, so happy that you only think about celebrating. The image of the stadium with more green and yellow. You don’t even have to say anything, it’s a pride. I never imagined getting there. I dreamed of playing soccer, but never lifting the World Cup.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Dunga touches his solidarity. It is divided between isolation and food distribution to charities in Porto Alegre along with names like D’Alessandro, Tinga and Pedro Geromel. Before returning to the peak of his career, the Tetra captain spoke to GloboEsporte.com about the achievement.

Review excerpts from the interview:

GloboEsporte.com: What do you remember of that final?

Fool: I have the images here in my head. There is the preparation, the first games, the trajectory. Professor Parreira made us work hard. Of course, the final is final, but the most important thing is the course. If things are done right, you can automatically do it. In the final, you don’t even have to say anything else. You need to relax and wait for him to arrive as soon as possible to enter the field. There is anxiety Everyone wanted to go out into the field. Forty-eight hours earlier, he already wanted to go out into the field. As much as the coach talks, he does not enter. You are already in the game. The important thing is the preparation. That day, there was a conference, but you were already in the game, what you needed to do to face the difficulties.

At the time of the penalty, what went through your head?

My whole life passes, but they are basically two points. First, I am a human being. The first is always negative, it is natural. What if I am wrong? The boys kill me. Then the positives. We work with (motivator) Evandro Motta. I had the second chance. Many did not. It was about me. There the question of preparation returns. In addition to being prepared, I need to feel that I am prepared. If I was prepared and I felt prepared, it increased my self-esteem. There is no way to go wrong.

The stadium was silent when I caught the ball. I remember a movie that the boy walked in the desert, but never came. It was me against the world. Soccer is collective, but there are individual moments that you must resolve. I needed to solve it in 10 seconds positively. Thank goodness it worked.

It's tetra! It's tetra! 25 years ago, Brazil won the United States World Cup

It’s tetra! It’s tetra! 25 years ago, Brazil won the United States World Cup

What does it mean to raise the glass?

You are so happy, so happy that you only think about celebrating. The image of the stadium with more green and yellow. You don’t even have to say anything, it’s a pride. I never imagined getting there. I dreamed of playing soccer, but never lifting the World Cup. Then I come to Brazil, that sea of ​​people, the pride of wearing the national team shirt. Priceless. It looked like a small group of ants. It took me days to sleep well. I kept thinking: did I have the courage to hit that criminal?

When did you feel that Brazil would be champion?

Zagallo is a super positive guy. We passed the first phase even without problems. He started growing there in the United States (1-0 victory). We were left with 10 players (Leonardo was expelled), it was his Independence Day. He started counting four, three, two, one … There, take the body.

You talked about Leonardo’s expulsion. Branco became the starter of the left against the Netherlands. But against the United States, Mazinho entered Raí’s place. Even with the changes, the team maintained the standard.

This group was very strong and conscious. Our defense duo was not a starter. There were only 11 prepared. Whoever was there knew that if there was a gap, he would never return. Our training was the same or more difficult than the game. Everyone was ready, everyone was flying. Everyone knew that he couldn’t give his partner a chance. In preparation, Parreira trained 10, 15 minutes of positioning, ball exit, where to move, how to fit.

Dunga gives the Olympic round with the national team in 1994 - Photo: Agência AP Dunga gives the Olympic round with the national team in 1994 - Photo: Agência AP

Dunga gives the Olympic round with the national team in 1994 – Photo: Agência AP

In addition to the quality of the group, the union was evident, as the entry of the Selection of the hand that began during the Qualifiers …

One thing that was never discussed is about organizing and buying the idea. At that time, the qualifiers were by groups. The first games took place with players who came on vacation from Europe. Professor Parreira knew we were going to shoot, but even get in shape, with a few wins away, without natural performance. And when it started at home, the team got ready. It happened There were some changes, with the 2-0 defeat in Bolivia at La Paz. I went in, I had a second chance. Things happened naturally.

Replaying the game is also important so you can’t see Tetra’s conquest, right?

These old games are good to show to those who didn’t know it. They will watch and be able to make a decision about what the team was like. Now they will speak looking at the Brazilian team. The selection itself said that it was pragmatic, that it had no quality. Younger people will see and have an idea of ​​what it was like. Take player by player individually, I don’t understand. Jorginho, Taffarel, Aldair, Marcio Santos, Zinho … Zinho, hello! He would be the king in Barcelona today. They are for you to see them in a different way.

Even in this situation, it will be good for young people to get to know Dunga’s football even more.

Today there is much more information. I acted there as a second flyer. In 90, as there were other players, it was sold that Dunga did not know how to pass, throw. This World Cup 94 gave me the opportunity to show those who were not used to these characteristics of mine. The smallest, even the oldest, will be able to see what really happened.

Dunga and Maradona in the 90s Cup - Photo: Peter Robinson - PA ImagesDunga and Maradona in the 90s Cup - Photo: Peter Robinson - PA Images

Dunga and Maradona in the 90s Cup – Photo: Peter Robinson – PA Images

You mentioned the 1990 World Cup. On that occasion, you ended up being criticized and labeled for eliminating Brazil in the round of 16 by Argentina, but you came back four years later …

I have always been very conscientious. I created some problems myself. For the Italian and German way of saying what I think and confronting what I think. In a way, it helped not get the recognition it should. But I am the way I am.

In 94, it was an opportunity to reinvent myself and show who I am. Thank you. I am very grateful. Some other players have not had this opportunity. I knew how to enjoy it. A different positioning, more freedom to create too.

In addition to the tasks in the field, he had to control Romario …

No! These Romario-style players, mixed with controversy, tell the truth. You play. I had to focus on the game. Romário was very competitive, he wanted everyone to win that Cup. He was calm, no problem. The problem is the guy who doesn’t play. Good things never take work!

But you were the main locker room leader.

I was the spokesperson. But there was a complete group, it was a collegiate. When it came to expressing, I kept going, but I had the support, the respect of others. But the entire decision was made with the entire group.
