Dr. Anthony Wong dies in São Paulo | Saint Paul


Two studies published by the journal “Nature” noted that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are not helpful in treating infection caused by the new coronavirus (look down).

In a note, the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP) reported that it “deeply regrets the death of Prof. Dr. Anthony Wong.”

The text mentions that the doctor graduated in 1972 from the USP School of Medicine and worked since 1976 at the Institute for Childhood and Adolescence, where he was chief physician of the Center for Toxicological Assistance (CEATOX) ”.

The HC said, in a note, that “family and friends are paid in solidarity.”

Wong has also been an ambassador for Instituto Trat Brasil since 2009.

US Regulatory Agency Cancels Chloroquine Authorization

US Regulatory Agency Cancels Chloroquine Authorization

Drug studies against Covid-19

In November, a Brazilian study showed that patients who have been taking chloroquine for years have the same risk of developing Covid-19 as those who have never taken it. About 400 medical students and nearly 10,000 volunteers participated in 20 centers in Brazil.

Before that, another investigation had already accused the ineffectiveness of the substances to prevent and treat coronavirus infection. The scientific journal “Nature”, one of the most recognized in the world, published two studies that pointed out that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are not useful against Covid-19.

In one of the articles “Nature”, the antimalarial drug did not have an antiviral effect against Covid-19 in monkeys. However, the other research did not see effects of chloroquine on virus-infected lung cells in the laboratory.

On July 16, 2020, another journal, “Annals of Internal Medicine”, showed with gold standard randomized tests, the most accurate possible in scientific research, that the administration of hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild Covid-19 was also not effective.

These same results continued to be repeated in other studies. A Brazilian investigation also conducted human trials and was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. “Again, the researchers noted that hydroxychloroquine was not effective in treating Covid-19 in patients with mild and moderate cases seen in hospitals.

The decision not to recommend antimalarial use and early treatment was not left to the scientists alone. The FDA, the US regulatory agency with a role similar to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), suspended the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19 in June last year.

In October, the World Health Organization published its own results: More than 30 countries participated in a study with more than 11,200 participants. In the article, the scientists declared that four antivirals used against Covid-19 are ineffective: remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir / ritonavir (combination), and interferon beta-1a.

The Infectious Diseases Society recommends abandoning chloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19

The Infectious Diseases Society recommends abandoning chloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19

VIDEOS: all about São Paulo and the metropolitan area
