Doria will announce 70% of the state of SP in the green quarantine phase, including the capital – 10/09/2020 – Daily life


More than 70% of the population of the State of São Paulo will enter the green phase of the SP Plan, which provides for the partial reopening of almost all activities, including cinemas and theaters, in the penultimate stage of the quarantine imposed by the new pandemic of coronavirus (see how it is pandemic in each region of the country).

The information, confirmed by sheet by a person involved in the process, will be announced at the press conference this Friday (9) of the governor João Doria (PSDB), starting at 12:45 pm. The mayor of the city of São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), will participate in the interview to talk about the openings planned with the change, part of which will be implemented this Saturday (10).

Progression to the green phase, after more than six months of quarantine, allows commercial establishments to adopt less restrictive operating rules. Shopping centers and department stores, for example, will be able to operate with 60% of the occupation.

In education, according to the resumption plan, the number of students present in the school, currently limited to 35%, may rise to 70% after two weeks of staying in the city in the new stage.

With this change, the government must strengthen the campaign for municipalities to reopen schools, reinforcing the argument of the damage caused to children and young people by the extension of the confinement.

In the middle of the electoral campaign, the mayors have postponed their return, a decision that could be complicated by entering the green phase, when practically all activities function almost normally.

For the sectors of commerce, services and for establishments such as beauty salons, hairdressers and sports academies of all modalities and gymnastics, the same rule applies: maximum occupancy of 60% and obligation to follow distance protocols, use of masks and availability of gel alcohol.

Bars and restaurants (or similar establishments) can operate until 10 pm maximum only in regions that have been in the green phase for at least 14 days. In practice, this means that the rule for the opening hours of bars should only take effect from October 16.

Cultural events, conventions and activities require at least 28 days in the green phase of the region. The premises must respect the maximum capacity of 60% of the capacity, control access to the site, even by appointment, and demarcate lines and spaces respecting the minimum distance.

Any other event or activity that generates agglomeration or that does not conform to the specifications of the SP Plan remains prohibited and is not expected to resume. The final phase of the SP Plan is blue, which allows all activities as long as health controls are maintained, such as the use of masks and social distance.

The state of São Paulo registered, until Thursday (8), 1.02 million cases of the new coronavirus, about 20% of the total registered in all of Brazil.

Since February 25, when the first case of the disease in the country was confirmed, precisely in São Paulo, there have been 36,884 deaths from the new virus in the state, 35.4% of them in the São Paulo capital, which brings together the 26.6% of the population. population and 29.2% of the cases.

In the last three weeks, the daily average of deaths from coronavirus in the city of São Paulo, which has already exceeded 100, fluctuates below 30 deaths. In September, the capital entered a stage of deceleration of the pandemic according to the measurement of the monitor maintained by sheet.

Collaborated Matheus Moreira
