Discover two types of withdrawals released during a pandemic


Seeking to mitigate the impacts of the economic crisis caused by pandemic of the new coronavirus, the federal government has announced measures to inject capital into the economy in recent months through social benefits.

Among them is the Service Guarantee Fund (FGTS). Aimed at formal workers, there are two types of retirement for 2020: booty birthday and emergency recall; the last one was called the “new FGTS”.

FGTS Birthday Retreat

Announced since last year, the withdrawal schedule started on April 1. The modality allows annual withdrawals, and according to the beneficiary’s date of birth, which vary from 5% to 50% of the total balance of active (current job) or inactive (old job) accounts, with or without an additional fee .

The calculation of payments follows a rate table published by Caixa, which can be seen below:

On the calendar, those born in January and February receive in April. Check it:

2020 retirement-anniversary calendar

FGTS Emergency Withdrawal

The federal government also informed a new round of immediate retirement to the workers, with a balance available in the fund of up to R $ 1,045.00. The modality is expected to start on June 15 and end on December 31.

Despite being a provisional measure (MP), which can be applied immediately, the text of the project must be approved in Congress within a maximum period of 16 days.

The launch of the new round of withdrawals has been studied since March 13. At that time, an announcement made by the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, clarified some points of the action, which will have around R $ 21 billion as initial budget, derived from the extinction PIS / Pasep Fund.

“We have R $ 22 billion of PIS / Pasep, the fund that we have called several times. There have already been two waves of bailouts, first for owners and then for heirs. Our idea is to merge with FGTS, we will make a reservation of these resources for, eventually, if the heirs appear. If heirs appear, rights remain. Once this reserve is made, the remaining funds of R $ 20 billion will be released, ”he explained.

As the voting deadline approaches, a new announcement may be made in the coming days, with information on dates, award rules, and payment schedule.

Also read: Caixa pays new FGTS withdrawal modalities
