Detained businessmen received at least R $ 117 million in contracts with the state government and the mayor’s office


RIO – The state government and the mayor’s office paid at least R $ 117 million in contracts with the businessmen who were the object of the operation of the Prosecutor’s Office this Friday. 15.7 million to R $ 32 million, only for the Leão XIII Foundation. The investigation began with a complaint made by the General Comptroller of the State (CGE) to the Police of Rio when identifying irregularities in the contracts with the institution. The CGE audits were carried out in 2019, at the beginning of the term of retired Governor Wilson Witzel.

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According to the MP, the suspicion was that the companies would pay rates that varied between 5% and 25% of the value of the contract. The investigations were also based on the findings of an audit by the State Court of Accounts (TCE) that identified a number of irregularities. The audit, which was voted on in full in June of this year, identified indications of targeting of the electronic auctions carried out in favor of the accused, fraud in the number of people benefited and even indications that the companies were working with fewer people than expected. in the contract.

Political owner of the Leão XIII Foundation

Leão XIII is defined by the MP as ” an institution that a few years ago began to be used for political purposes and mainly diversion of public funds, acts of corruption and bid fraud (…) allowing the illicit enrichment of members of the private initiative and public agents (…), a real mafia, ” says an extract. Among the beneficiaries of the scheme in León XII, according to the MP, would be former non-elected councilors and former secretaries of State and Municipality. These politicians would interfere with social programs to prioritize their electoral participation or win competitions in exchange for bribes.

Remember:Pedro Fernandes is the third member of the Govendo Witzel to be arrested

In the complaint, the current Secretary of Education, Pedro Fernandes, says that between 2015 and 2018 he was considered the political owner of the Leão XIII Foundation. It would be up to him to nominate the highest echelon of the institution.

The details of the operation
Investigators targeted state and municipal contracts signed between 2013 and 2018. 25 were reported for fraud and corruption.
The schemes established by the group handle approximately
The researchers estimate that they were diverted
most fees were paid in cash
Composed of councilors, deputies and city and state secretaries from the investigated period. The percentage of bribes for politicians ranged from 5% to 25% of the contract value.
Corporate legal officers submitted firms only to quote prices higher than those of previously chosen companies and assisted in the preparation of public notices.
The main reported
The group will respond for criminal organization, tender crimes,
embezzlement, active and passive corruption and money laundering
Former federal deputy, she was municipal secretary for Healthy Aging and Quality of Life at the time Servlog Rio, a company accused of paying bribes to win tenders, was hired to execute the municipal project of Qualimóvel, in the amount
of R $ 20 million.
Arrested, according to the Public Ministry, for fraud during his tenure in the Secretariat of Technology and Social Development in the governments of Sérgio Cabral and Luiz Fernando Pezão – before assuming the Education portfolio at the invitation of Wilson Witzel.
Partner of Rio Mix 10, another investigated company, he was an advisor to the office of Cláudio Castro at the time when the interim governor was a councilor and was even imprisoned between July and August 2019 for fraud at the Leão XIII Foundation. He reached an adjudication agreement with the Attorney General’s Office.
Former director of financial administration of the Leão XIII Foundation, he is a long-time ally of Pedro Fernandes and was in charge of the Executive Secretariat of Education until May of this year. His initials are present in a notebook with records of the transmission of bribes to public officials.
In four auctions, a profit of R $ 66 million. This amount would have been received by the couple Flávio Salomão and Marcelle Chadud, owners of ServLog Rio, as indicated in the first phase of Operation Catarata, in July 2019. The company is classified by the Public Ministry as the “Headquarters” of the bribery.
A retired delegate and father of Flávio, he became a target of Catarata 2 for trying to hinder the investigation of the first stage, in 2019. Moments before the arrival of the police teams to ServLog Rio, Mário was in the place and withdrawing cash in addition to of computers and documents.
Source: Public Ministry.

The details of the operation
Investigators targeted state and municipal contracts signed between 2013 and 2018. 25 were reported for fraud and corruption.
The schemes established by the group handle approximately
Researchers estimate they were diverted
most fees were paid in cash
Corporate legal officers submitted firms only to quote prices higher than previously chosen companies and assisted in the preparation of public notices.
Composed of councilors, deputies and city and state secretaries from the investigated period. The percentage of bribes for politicians ranged from 5% to 25% of the contract value.
The main reported
The group will respond for criminal organization, tender crimes,
embezzlement, active and passive corruption and money laundering
Arrested, according to the Public Ministry, for fraud during his tenure in the Secretariat of Technology and Social Development in the governments of Sérgio Cabral and Luiz Fernando Pezão – before taking over the Education portfolio at the invitation of Wilson Witzel.
Partner of Rio Mix 10, another investigated company, he was an advisor to the office of Cláudio Castro at the time when the interim governor was a councilor and was even imprisoned between July and August 2019 for fraud at the Leão XIII Foundation. He reached an adjudication agreement with the Attorney General’s Office.
In four auctions, a profit of R $ 66 million. This amount would have been received by the couple Flávio Salomão and Marcelle Chadud, owners of ServLog Rio, as indicated in the first phase of Operation Catarata, in July 2019. The company is classified by the Public Ministry as the “Headquarters” of the bribery.
Former federal deputy, she was the municipal secretary for Healthy Aging and Quality of Life at the time Servlog Rio, a company accused of paying bribes to win tenders, was hired to execute the municipal project of Qualimóvel, in the amount
of R $ 20 million.
Former director of financial administration of the Leão XIII Foundation, he is a long-time ally of Pedro Fernandes and was in charge of the Executive Secretariat of Education until May of this year. His initials are present in a notebook with records of the transmission of bribes to public officials.
A retired delegate and father of Flávio, he became a target of Catarata 2 for trying to hinder the investigation of the first stage, in 2019. Moments before the arrival of the police teams to ServLog Rio, Mário was in the place and was also withdrawing cash of computers and documents.
Source: Public Ministry

Only the Novo Olhar project, signed between the ServLog company and the Leão XIII Foundation (at that time linked to the Secretary of State for Science and Technology, generated R $ 66.5 million between 2015 and 2018, during the government of Luiz Fernando Pezão The program attended at least 105 thousand ophthalmological consultations with glasses for the elderly. The other program mentioned in the León XIII complaint was the Social Agent, which moved R $ 29.7 million through RioMix. Risk situation throughout the state .

Obstruction:MPRJ believes that there may have been a leak from the operation that detained Pedro Fernandes and Cristiane Brasil

The complaint does not detail the fraud committed in Rio’s mayor’s office, which is the subject of a separate investigation. However, in the representation before the Justice, the MP states that it also involves ServLog, responsible for the Qualimóvel program, focused on itinerant health actions in the streets of the city. The irregularities would have been committed in contracts worth R $ 20.6 million with the Municipal Secretariat for Healthy Aging and Quality of Life between 2013 (under the administration of former mayor Eduardo Paes) until May 2017, already in the first months of the administration. scored by Marcelo Crivella. The contract was signed when the portfolio was headed by Cristiane Brasil.

Operation Cataract II has big names

Operation Catarata II, carried out this Friday, brought strong names among those suspected of being part of the diversion scheme in social assistance contracts in the state of Rio. At this stage, the former state deputy is the target of temporary detention and the current Secretary of State for Education, Pedro Fernandes; the businessman Flavio Salomão Chadud; his father, retired PCERJ delegate Mario Jamil Chadud; and the former director of financial administration of the Leão XIII Foundation, João Marcos Borges Mattos. They all had orders carried out in the morning. The former councilor and former federal deputy, Cristiane Brasil, appeared to the police in the early afternoon.

Ancelmo:Pedro Fernandes will have to take a test to show that he is with Covid-19

The targets of Cataract II this Friday appeared after the investigations delved into the “political core” of the fraud scheme between 2013 and 2018. In the first phase of the operation, carried out in July 2019, only Flavio Chadud was already mentioned in the investigations. The continuation of the analysis of the contracts signed through false tenders brought new names, such as Pedro Fernandes, as pointed out in a survey O GLOBO had access to in August of this year.
