The candidate defeated João Coser, of the PT, who obtained 41.50% (72,684 votes).
The election in Vitória had 26.14% of abstentions (65,740), 2.41% of white votes and 3.28% of invalid votes.
Pazolini is 38 years old, married, has a law degree and a postgraduate degree in Public Security. He was already an auditor in the Court of Accounts and is a delegate of the Civil Police, having made himself known while serving as head of the Police for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (DPCA). He is currently a state deputy, having been elected to the position in 2018. He has a declared net worth of R $ 1,074,870.50. The vice is Captain Estéfane, of the Republicans, who is 30 years old.
Coser is 64 years old, married and a lawyer. He was a founding member of the PT in the 1980s. Since 1987, he has been elected twice as a state deputy and twice as a federal deputy. In 2004, he was elected mayor of Vitória and repeated the feat in 2008. He has a declared patrimony of R $ 796,652.84. The vice is Jackeline Rocha, from PT, who is 37 years old.