The defense of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans-RJ) presented, this afternoon, a crime report against the presenters of the National Jornal, William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos, for transmitting information about the investigations of the case of “cracked” in Flávio’s office when he was a state deputy.
The request was made before the DRCI (Commissariat for the Suppression of Computer Crimes), in Rio de Janeiro. The information was released by Veja and confirmed by Twitter.
The senator’s lawyers, Rodrigo Roca, Luciana Pires and Juliana Bierrenbach, allege that TV Globo did not comply with a court order by broadcasting stories about the case. This week, the station highlighted the testimony of Luiza Souza Paes, Flávio’s former adviser, confirming the existence of the scheme. The testimony was previously revealed by the newspaper “O Globo”.
She stated in the statement that she never worked as Flávio’s employee as a deputy, but that she had a registered position in Alerj (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro) and passed more than 90% of the salary received to the advisor Fabrício Queiroz.
Just yesterday, the senator’s defense asked the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice to impose a fine of R $ 500 thousand on the station for each time it breaches the decision.
OR Twitter contacted TV Globo and has not yet received comments on the case until the publication of this text.
STF did not accept Globo’s complaint against the ban
In October, STF (Federal Supreme Court) minister Ricardo Lewandowski did not accept the station’s complaint against the decision that prohibits the disclosure of confidential information or documents about the cracked case. The information was given by the columnist of Twitter, Chico Alves.
The station claimed the decision issued, at the beginning of September, by Judge Cristina Feijó, of the 33rd Civil Court of TJ-RJ. According to Globo, the determination constituted censorship and contradicted the STF’s own jurisprudence to protect freedom of expression and the right to information.