Defender who filed a lawsuit against Magazine Luiza asks for a license


He became known nationally for filing a lawsuit against Magazine Luiza’s exclusive black apprenticeship program of the chain store.

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spellsUnião’s public defender Jovino Bento Júnior requested leave of absence and police protection. He became known nationally for filing a lawsuit against the magazine Luiza chain’s exclusive black apprentice program.

The information is from the newspaper O Globo. According to a document obtained by the newspaper, Júnior claimed that he and his family have been suffering attacks and threats on the Internet.

Júnior’s action against the chain of stores was widely criticized by experts heard by ConJur and his colleagues from the Federal Public Defender’s Office.

And in the midst of this effervescent broth and without any intervention or action, in none of these cases, the hatred has only grown. What could have been prevented with correct and timely action was not. Then I began to receive threats of an attempt against my life, as well as against my family, ”says an extract from the document.

In the request, Júnior still harshly criticizes the activists and politicians of the Workers’ Party and says they are trying to restrict his functional autonomy.

He also attached a copy of the alleged threat made to him and criticizes the lack of support from the Public Defender’s Office.

“I have never worked, Honorable Defender General, in such an inhumane institution. Paradoxically, the one that claims to be more humanistic. This is sad,” he says.

In addition to the dispensation, the maintenance of a monthly salary of R $ 24,000 and police protection, Júnior also requests a condemnation note signed by the federal public defender, Gabriel Faria Oliveira.

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