Dead woman at João de Deus center survived Fukushima, police say – 11/18/2020


Japanese Hitomi Akamatsu, 43, found dead in a waterfall, found on the property of Casa Dom Inácio de Loyola, in Abadiânia (GO), known for the care provided by João Teixeira de Faria, the medium João de Deus, I was in there are two for spiritual treatment. She was said to be one of the survivors of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, according to local police.

“We discovered that Abadiânia would have sought as a form of treatment after radiation exposure,” said delegate Albert Peixoto Salvador.

Hitomi disappeared on November 10, but the case was not registered until five days later. His body was found on Monday (16), in a ditch with dirt and stones, and showed signs of violence.

Yesterday afternoon, the Goiás Identification Institute confirmed, through fingerprints, that the body belongs to the Japanese woman, who remains at the IML (Medical Legal Institute) of Anapolis, this morning, awaiting documentation to be delivered. The release will take place at the Japanese Embassy in Brazil.

An 18-year-old is in prison suspected of having committed the crime. The deputy said his intention was to steal the victim’s belongings to pay off drug debts.

“The suspect went to the waterfall because he knew of the presence of foreigners there, who could have money. A security camera filmed him returning from the crime scene, on a bicycle and wearing the victim’s shirt,” Albert Peixoto reported.

The suspect can be held liable for concealing a dead body and a robbery, which is robbery followed by death. According to the police chief, the boy confessed to the crime at the police station and allegedly killed the asphyxiated victim because he reacted.

Nuclear disaster

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 8.7 earthquake triggered a tsunami and water struck the Fukushima nuclear power plant on the northeast coast of Japan, causing damage to reactors and the release of radioactive material.
