Dataprev: Of 89.3 million records processed for emergency assistance, 48.5 million were approved | save


Dataprev, a public company responsible for identifying who is entitled to receive R $ 600 emergency aid, reported that, until April 24, of the 89.3 million CPF that have already been analyzed and sent to Caixa Econômica Federal, 48, 5 million met the criteria of the law and were considered eligible to receive the benefit, that is, 54.3% of the total.

Another 27.2 million are not eligible and will not be able to receive the aid (30.5%)and 13.6 million (15.2%) are classified as inconclusivethat is, they need complementation in the registers. The exclusion rate is within the average of previous balances published by Dataprev.

The number survey covers the three groups entitled to assistance: individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), individual taxpayers (CI) and informal workers (Group 1); registered in the Single Registry and benefited by the Bolsa Familia Program (Group 2); and enrolled in CadÚnico and not benefited by the cash transfer program (Group 3).

The group with higher approval rating is who is Single registry and beneficiaries of the Bolsa Familia Program96.5% of the total. In the group of those in the Single Registry and is not a beneficiary of the Bolsa Familia Program the index of exclusion It is 66.35% of the total (see details below).

In total, Dataprev processed 91% of all requests received from Caixa. So far, 98 million records have been analyzed and the results of 89.3 million CPFs are already in the bank.

Dataprev works in the processing of information and the approval of the data is carried out in conjunction with the Ministry of Citizenship. Caixa makes the payment, develops and maintains the application, which reports the result of the processing carried out by Dataprev and approved by the Ministry of Citizenship; See how support requests are analyzed.

See below for details of each group’s analyzes:

GROUP 1 – MEIs, CIs and Informal (registered in the Caixa application and portal)

  • Registrations received: 46.0 million
  • Records processed: 37.3 million (81%)
  • Eligible CPF: 18.5 million (49.59% of those processed)
  • Ineligible CPF: 5.2 million (13.95% of those processed)
  • Inconclusive: 13.6 million (36.46% of those processed)

GROUP 2 – (Single Registry and beneficiaries of the Bolsa Familia Program)

  • Registrations received: 19.9 million
  • Records processed: 19.9 million (100%)
  • Eligible CPF: 19.2 million (96.5% of the total)
  • Ineligible CPF: 0.7 million (3.5% of the total)

GROUP 3 – (Sole Registry and non-beneficiaries of the Bolsa Familia Program)

  • Registrations received: 32.1 million
  • Records processed: 32.1 million (100%)
  • Eligible CPF: 10.8 million (33.64% of the total)
  • Ineligible CPF: 21.3 million (66.35% of the total)

According to Caixa, people registered in the Single Registry who do not meet the criteria of the law and do not agree with the analysis can submit a new application through the Caixa application and portal. The measure also applies to the requirements of informal workers.

Dataprev and the Ministry of Citizenship are working to finalize on Sunday (26) the analysis and approval of all the records of the three shipments of orders received from Caixa. Until dawn on Thursday (23), of the 39.3 million Applications completed between April 7-1737.3 million were returned to the bank, which represents 95% of the total received for the period. The requirements were made in the Caixa application and portal and refer to Group 1, made up of informal MEIs and individual taxpayers.

Of the 37.3 million already transmitted to Caixa, the shipment, made on Thursday (23), of 7 million Registrations completed between April 11-17. This second shipment was received by Dataprev on the 18th. The return of the remaining 300,000 to the bank is scheduled for this Sunday (26).

The other 30.3 million were sent to Caixa in four batches with millions of requests, between April 15 and 23. The information is related to entries made from 7 to 10 this month.

This Sunday, the last batch containing the result of 6.7 million Requests made between April 18-22. The shipment will be finalized after three days of analysis and processing by the technical teams. The data was received by Dataprev on Thursday (23).

As of April 23, in total, Dataprev had received 46 million requests from the banking institution. The results of 37.3 million have already been returned to the bank. The agencies estimate to send the remaining 8.7 million, in analysis of the three shipments, by the end of this Sunday.

R $ 26.2 billion paid to 37.2 million

Caixa Econômica Federal reported that, since April 9, when the payment of R $ 600 Emergency Aid began, until 12:00 this Sunday (26), it has already credited R $ 26.2 billion to 37 , 2 million Brazilians

So far, 48 million people have completed the registration on the website and the application, through which informal, independent, unemployed and MEI applicants can apply for the benefit.

The website surpassed the mark of 341 million visits and the exclusive central 111 registered more than 81.3 million calls. The Emergency Aid Caixa application already has a total of 62.9 million downloads and the Caixa TEM application, to manage digital savings, exceeds 50.2 million downloads.

Payment calendar

There are three different payment schedules:

  • one for those who signed up for emergency help through the application or the program website;
  • a second for beneficiaries who receive Bolsa Família;
  • and a third for those enrolled in the Unique registry that does not receive Bolsa Familia and women heads of household.

For those who will receive through Caixa’s digital social savings, cash withdrawals will begin to be released starting on the 27th. However, before that, funds can be moved digitally (See the cash withdrawal schedule at the end of this report.)


1. Subscribers to the application and the website.

  • A first delivery for these beneficiaries it began to be paid on April 14. Payments are made within five business days after registration. However, many beneficiaries complain of late payments and claim that this deadline has not been met.
  • For the second installment, Caixa even announced the payment in advance, but the Ministry of Citizenship reported that the government could not anticipate it. Initially scheduled to start next Monday (27), payments for the second installment of Emergency Aid no date set yet.
  • A third and last installment is programmed to May:

– May 26 for those born from January to March

– May 27 for those born from April to June

– May 28 for those born from July to September

– May 29 for those born from October to December

2. Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família

Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família will receive on the same dates and in the same way that they receive this benefit.

  • The first installment of emergency aid has already been paid to those whose last digit in the NIS equals 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The rest follow the calendar:

– Friday (24): 1,919,453 beneficiaries whose last digit in the NIS equals 6

– Monday (27): 1,921,061 beneficiaries whose last digit in the NIS equals 7

– Tuesday (28): 1,917,991 beneficiaries whose last digit in the NIS equals 8

– Wednesday (29): 1,920,953 beneficiaries whose last digit in the NIS equals 9

– Thursday (30): 1,918,047 beneficiaries whose last digit in the NIS equals 0

  • Second installment: last ten business days of May
  • Third installment: last ten business days of June

3. Registrants in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família

  • The first installment was credited to these beneficiaries between April 14 and 17. Another 1.2 million beneficiaries whose records were validated by Dataprev last Sunday will receive it on Wednesday (22).
  • For the second installment, Caixa even announced the payment in advance, but the Ministry of Citizenship said that the government will announce new dates at the beginning of next week.
  • Third and last installment:

– May 26 for those born from January to March

– May 27 for those born from April to June

– May 28 for those born from July to September

– May 29 for those born from October to December

To avoid crowding at branches, Caixa has established a calendar for beneficiaries who wish to withdraw in cash the amount deposited in digital social savings open to workers:

  • April 27 – born January and February
  • April 28 – born March and April
  • April 29 – born May and June
  • April 30 – born July and August
  • May 4 – born September and October
  • May 5 – born in November and December

