05/11/2020 – Datafolha Research in Rio – Photo: Editoria de Arte / G1
In relation to the previous Datafolha survey, published on October 22:
- Eduardo Paes went from 28% to 31%
- Crivella went from 13% to 15%
- Martha Rocha remained at 13%
- Benedita da Silva went from 10% to 8%
- Luiz Lima went from 4% to 5%
- Renata souza went from 5% to 3%
- Mello Flag stayed at 3%
- Paulo messina went from 0% to 1%
- Clarissa garotinho stayed at 1%
- Cyro garcia stayed at 1%
- Fred light stayed at 1%
- Gloria Heloiza went from 1% to 0%
- Suêd Haidar stayed at 0%
- Henrique simonard was not mentioned in the last two polls
- the undecided went from 3% to 2%, and blank or null went from 17% to 16%
According to the survey, Paes gets the biggest advantages among the elderly (40%, compared to 14% for Crivella and 12% for Martha); among the richest (36%, against 16% for Martha and 10% for Crivella); among Catholics (41%, compared to 12% for Martha and 10% for Crivella); retired (47%, against 14% for Crivella and 10% for Martha); and enter those who disapprove of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (no party) (34%, compared to 3% for Crivella and 14% for Martha).
Second shift simulations
Datafolha also simulated three second-round scenarios. See the numbers:
- Eduardo Paes 53% x 25% Crivella (blank / null: 21%; don’t know: 1%)
- Eduardo Paes 44% x 38% Martha Rocha (blank / null: 16%; don’t know: 2%)
- Eduardo Paes 48% x 27% Benedita da Silva (blank / null: 24%; don’t know: 1%)
The survey also asked whom voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:
- Crivella: 57%
- Eduardo Paes: 33%
- Benedita da Silva: 30%
- Clarissa garotinho: 29%
- Cyro garcia: 13%
- Delegate Martha Rocha: eleven%
- Luiz Lima: eleven%
- Paulo messina: 8%
- Fred light: 7%
- Renata souza: 6%
- Gloria Heloiza: 6%
- Suêd Haidar: 6%
- Mello Flag: 6%
- Henrique simonard: 5%
- Reject all / would not vote for none: 4%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 2%
- You could vote for all: 1%
Datafolha also addressed spontaneous voting intention, when the voter says who he will vote for without the names of the candidates being presented. See the results:
- Eduardo Paes: 22%
- Crivella: eleven%
- Martha Rocha: 8%
- Benedita da Silva: 5%
- Luiz Lima: 3%
- Renata souza: 2%
- Mello Flag: 1%
- Fred light: 1%
- Others: 3%
- White / null / none: 16%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 29%
- Do not vote / do not vote / justify: 0%
The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and by the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”.
- Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 1,064 voters in the city of Rio de Janeiro
- When the survey was conducted: November 3-4
- Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: RJ-02176/2020
- The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
See who are the candidates for mayor of Rio in the 2020 elections