Datafolha Survey in Recife: João Campos, 26%; Marília Arraes, 17%; Mendonça Filho, 16%; Patrícia Patrícia, 10% | 2020 elections in Pernambuco


Thiago Santos (UP), Claudia Ribeiro (PSTU), Charbel (New), Victor Assis (PCO) had less than 1% of the voting intentions.

The survey was commissioned by TV Globo, in partnership with the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo.

Featured by segment, according to Datafolha

According to Datafolha, João Campos has an advantage above the average among voters with fundamental education (32%, against 13% for Mendonça Filho, 11% for Marília Arraes and 7% for Delegada Patrícia), and faces a numerical disadvantage in the part that he even studied higher education (17%, compared to 23% for the PT candidate, 19% for the DEM representative, and 12% for the Vamos candidate). In the secondary segment, Campos has 26%; Marília, 18%; Mendonça Filho, 16% and Patrícia Patrícia, 11%.

Evangelicals make up 27% of the Recife electorate, and in this segment Campos appears with 23% of voting intentions, followed by Mendonça Filho (16%), Delegada Patricia (14%) and Marília Arraes (10%). Among Catholics, who represent 46% of the voters, the PSB candidate has 29%, compared to 16% for the PT candidate, 16% for the DEM name and 9% for the Vamos candidate.

The poll also asked who voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:

  • Mendonça Filho (DEM): 32%
  • João Campos (PSB): 30%
  • Colonel Feitosa (PSC): 21%
  • Charbel (Novo): 18%
  • Carlos (PSL): 17%
  • Victor Assis (PCO): 17%
  • Thiago Santos (UP): 17%
  • Marco Aurélio Meu Amigo (PRTB): 15%
  • Marília Arraes (PT): 15%
  • Patrícia Patrícia (Podemos): 13%
  • Claudia Ribeiro (PSTU): 12%
  • Wouldn’t vote for any: 9%
  • Could vote for everyone: 2%
  • Don’t know / didn’t answer: 6%

Knowledge of the candidates

The survey also found candidates whose names are better known among respondents. The percentages are as follows:

  • Mendonça Filho (DEM): 95%
  • João Campos (PSB): 90%
  • Marília Arraes (PT): 86%
  • Patrícia Patrícia (Podemos): 48%
  • Marco Aurélio My friend: 36%
  • Colonel Feitosa (PSC): 33%
  • Cláudia Ribeiro (PSTU): 16%
  • Thiago Santos (UP): 14%
  • Carlos (PSL): 12%
  • Victor Assis (PCO): 11%
  • Charbel (Novo): 11%
  • Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
  • Who was heard: 800 voters from the city of Recife
  • When the survey was conducted: October 5-6
  • TRE-PE identification number: PE-08999/2020
  • The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.

Electoral polls: what is a sample, margin of error and level of confidence

VIDEOS: It Works That Way – Elections
