Datafolha survey for the second shift in São Paulo: Bruno Covas, 48%; Guilherme Boulos, 40% | 2020 elections in São Paulo


The Datafolha survey published by the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo” in the early hours of Tuesday (24) indicates the following percentages of intention of the total votes for the second round of the 2020 Elections for the City of São Paulo:

  • Bruno Covas (PSDB): 48%
  • Guilherme Boulos (PSOL): 40%
  • White / Null: 9%
  • I don’t know / No answer: 3%

In relation to the previous survey, carried out on November 17 and 18 and released on November 19, Covas maintained the percentage and Boulos fluctuated positively by 5 percentage points (35% to 40%). White / Nulls went from 13% to 9%. And they did not know or did not want to answer, it went from 4% to 3%.

For the calculation of valid votes, blank votes, invalid votes and voters who declare themselves undecided are excluded from the sample. The procedure is the same that the Electoral Tribunal uses to disclose the official result of the election. To win in the second round, a candidate needs 50% of the valid votes plus one vote.

  • Bruno Covas: 55%
  • Guilherme Boulos: Four. Five%

Compared to previous research, Covas fluctuated negatively by 3 percentage points and Boulos fluctuated positively by 3 percentage points.

  • The survey was conducted on November 23 and 1,260 were heard in the city of São Paulo. The margin of error is 3 percentage points more or less.
  • Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: SP-09865/2020
  • The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.

Boulos is numerically ahead of the toucan among the youngest, 16 to 24 years (65% to 35%) and in the next range, 25 to 34 years (56% to 44%).

In the other relevant socioeconomic segments of the electorate, Covas has an advantage, or at least, is numerically positioned ahead of the opponent, with a greater distance between voters over 60 years (73% to 27%), less educated (67% to 33%). ) and among those who earn more (56% to 44%).

  • Of those who voted for Márcio França (PSB) in the first round, 45% now said they will vote in Covas and 41% in Boulos.
  • Of those who voted for Celso Russomanno (Republicans), 72% declared to vote in Covas and 19% in Boulos.
  • Of those who voted for Jilmar Tatto (PT), 79% declared to vote now in Boulos and 16% in Covas.
