The Datafolha poll published on Thursday (8) indicates that the majority of voters in the city of São Paulo should not stop voting in the November 15 elections, even with the Covid-19 pandemic.
When asked if they could stop voting for fear of becoming infected with the coronavirus, 79% of voters said no and 21% said yes.
The majority of those who said they can stop voting due to fear of contamination are young people aged 16-24 (29%), followed by the population aged 25-34 (27%) and 35-44. (twenty%). Adults aged 45 to 59 years were 17% and people aged 60 years and over, 16%.
When asked about voting security, respondents said they felt:
- Very sure: 26%
- A bit sure: 46%
- Nothing sure: 28%
- Does not know: one%
In relation to the previous survey, carried out on September 24, the number of those who declared they did not feel safe dropped from 34% to 28%. Those who said they felt a bit safe went from 42% to 46% in the same period. Those who feel very safe fluctuated from 24% to 26%.
Among the poorest, with a family income of up to 2 salaries, 35% said they felt insecure to vote. Among the richest, with incomes above 10 salaries, the percentage of insecurity is 16%.
Knowledge of elections
A portion of 11% of city voters said they did not know there will be elections to elect mayors and councilors in November, a slightly lower rate than in the previous poll, when 14% said they did not know about voting.
When asked about the degree of interest in the elections for mayor and councilors, the answers were:
- Large: 37%
- Average: 28%
- Small: 6%
- Not interested: 29%
- Large: 27%
- Average: 29%
- Small: 9%
- Not interested: 33%
The survey also noted the following percentages of voting intention of candidates for the City of São Paulo in the 2020 elections:
- Celso Russomanno (Republicans): 27%
- Bruno Covas (PSDB): 21%
- Guilherme Boulos (PSOL): 12%
- Márcio França (PSB): 8%
- Arthur do Val – Mamãe Fali (Patriot): 3%
- Andrea Matarazzo (PSD): 2%
- Levy Fidelix (PRTB): 2%
- Antonio Carlos Silva (PCO): 1%
- Jilmar Tatto (PT): 1%
- Joice Hasselmann (PSL): 1%
- Marina Helou (Chain): 1%
- Orlando Silva (PCdoB): 1%
- Filipe Sabará (New): 1%.
- Vera Lúcia (PSTU): 1%
- None / blank / null: 12%
- Don’t know / No answer: 4%

Datafolha Survey in São Paulo: Russomano, 27%; Covas, 21%; Boulos, 12%; France, 8%
- The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”.
- Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 1,092 voters in the city of São Paulo aged 16 or over.
- When was the survey conducted: October 5 and 6.
- Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: SP-08428/2020.
- The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
Electoral surveys: what is a sample, margin of error and level of confidence.