When the question is directed not only to themselves, but to Brazilians in general, this rate drops to 58% edit
247 – A Datafolha institute survey released on Friday the 1st notes relative optimism for 2021 and also that Bolsonaro supporters and people who received emergency aid tend to be more confident. “The survey indicated that 68% say that 2021 will be better than 2020. When the question is directed not only to themselves, but to Brazilians in general, this index drops to 58%,” he reveals. report of Folha de S. Paulo.
2016 Brazilian adults with cell phones in all regions and states of the country were interviewed. The research was done in this way to avoid personal contact between researchers and respondents due to the new coronavirus pandemic, which has already killed more than 191,000 Brazilians. Optimism for next year was significantly higher in the North / Midwest (79%). In the Northeast this rate was (70%). In the South and Southeast, 63% and 64%, respectively.
“Even more optimistic are the supporters of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (without a party). Among those who believe that the president’s management is good or excellent, 77% expect a better year than this in 2021. For those who say they always trust in Bolsonaro, 82% ”, says the text.
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