Daniel Silveira’s wife received emergency help while at the Ministry of the Environment


RIO – The wife of Congressman Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ), Paola da Silva Daniel, received emergency aid fees, a benefit aimed at the unemployed, while she held the position of coordinator of people management at the Jardim Botânico Research Institute from Rio de Janeiro. to the Ministry of the Environment.

Paola’s appointment was made on October 16, according to a publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation, for the position she receives R $ 5.6 thousand per month to carry out the position. The information was revealed by GLOBO columnist Ancelmo Gois.

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During this period, as ordered by the Federal Executive, the data from Caixa’s payment system show the payment of four installments of the seven installments received from the emergency benefit, totaling R $ 1,800. This corresponds to half of what he has received in the program since he was able to enroll.

By law, the aid recipient must not have an active formal job. The regulatory decree also says that public officials, including those in temporary positions, positions of trust, positions in commissions and holders of elective mandates, are not entitled to the benefit.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Citizenship, the worker who gets a job must cancel the aid in the system, since it will no longer be within the government’s criteria to receive the benefit.

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During the payment of the reduced amounts, of R $ 300, the portfolio stated that it would carry out a new “comb-fine” to identify possible failures in the distribution of the last installments. But, in the case of Paola, the system does not indicate any return of the resource, not even the exit of the program.

On social media, Paola introduces herself as a lawyer graduated from the Estácio de Sá University, with a postgraduate degree in Criminal Sciences.

Paola is the people management coordinator of the Jardim Botânico Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro, linked to the Ministry of the Environment, by Ricardo Salles Photo: Facebook / Agência O Globo reproduction
Paola is the people management coordinator of the Jardim Botânico Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro, linked to the Ministry of the Environment, by Ricardo Salles Photo: Facebook / Agência O Globo reproduction

According to Caixa, three requests were made to pay the benefit to the deputy’s wife. The first, on April 12, was denied due to lack of information. The second, presented on the 27th of the same month, had the same response. Only on the third attempt, on June 6, was the appeal released. Since then, five installments of R $ 600 and two installments of R $ 300 have been credited.

Asked about the receipt of the appeal at the Ministry of the Environment, Paola said that she met “all the legal requirements to receive the benefit” and is trying to return the resource received, according to her, until November. However, Caixa data shows two payments in December. She, however, has shown that she is unaware of the payment.

– My last delivery of aid was in November. I live in Petrópolis and I needed the money to cover my workplace expenses. After my first payment, I looked for a way to return that last installment, I did my research and I noticed that it was very bureaucratic and contained many difficulties, difficulties that I am still trying to solve. Besides, I did everything legally – he said.

Daniel Silveira has been in prison since last Tuesday, by order of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). He was arrested on the spot after posting a video violently insulting the Supreme Court ministers.
