“At this time, the company does not register any more large blocks without power, but there are still clients with interrupted supply, in a dispersed way, mainly in Venda Nova, Pampulha, Punctuation me Betim“The energy company reported this morning.
A Civil defense Belo Horizonte reported that it had not registered outstanding events in the last hours. J or Fire brigade he listed the events that mobilized the military last night. In the neighborhoods of California (Rua Jos Marcos Feliciano), in the Northwest region of the capital, and in Jardim dos Comercirios (Rua Ester Batista Vieira), in Venda Nova, calls were received due to the risk of floods that threatened people and vehicles, but the service was rejected because the water level was decreasing.
On Rua Otaviano Pena Forte, in the Serra Verde neighborhood, also in Venda Nova, part of a retaining wall collapsed and collided with the wall of a building. The site was isolated and firefighters ordered residents to seek out Civil Defense for an assessment.
At 10 p.m., the military were called to cut down trees on Rua Cnego Rocha Franco, in Barrio Gutiérrez, West Region, and on Rua dos Guajajaras, in Barro Preto, in the Central-South Region of the capital. The trees were medium in size and were cleared by firefighters. None was injured.
In Contagem, in Grande BH, the fall of a zinc roof continued to block part of Cantagalo Avenue this morning, in Bairro Novo Riacho. Firefighters cordoned off the scene. This fact did not leave victims either.
Between shock and relief
Between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., Civil Defense registered the highest amount of rain in the Northeast Region of the city (37.6 mm). The value is equivalent to 35.9% of the expected historical average for the month: 104.7 mm. The Regional with the lowest accumulated in the period was Venda Nova, with 24mm.
The body had already warned of rainfall during the afternoon. The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) also issued a storm warning in Grande BH and cities in the Central, South and Zona da Mata regions. “This higher humidity is characteristic of spring and should last for the next few days,” explained Claudemir de Azevedo, a meteorologist for the V District of Inmet, where Minas Gerais is located.
Hail recorded in Bairro Planalto, north of BH. The regional registered extremely heavy rains around 7:50 pm this Wednesday.
Credit: Betina Frana. pic.twitter.com/5c9RiNJQ5t
% u2014 State of Mines (@em_com) October 14, 2020
At Grande BH, there was a record of heavy rains at Contagem. In the Eldorado neighborhood it was very windy, as well as in the mining capital. Still in the Metropolitan Region of the capital of Minas Gerais, the Lagoa Santa boardwalk registered flooding in the Praia Anglica neighborhood.
No interior
The force of the wind destroyed the roofs of public buildings and houses. Light poles were snapped in half and dozens of trees uprooted. “One of the things that scared us the most was a court that had all the hardware damaged. He spread metal tiles throughout the Bela Vista neighborhood, ”he added. Neighbors were scared by the gale and also demonstrated on social networks. “There was a hurricane here in Escarpas,” Eduardo Caramati said.