The forecast of the local authority is that the houses begin to be supplied at the end of the afternoon
By André Rossi
Oct 07, 2020 at 4:55 pm • Last updated Oct 07, 2020 at 5:12 pm
Link to the article: https://liberal.com.br/laciones/americana/dae-retoma-bombeamento-de-agua-em-americana-1330062/
The DAE (Department of Water and Sanitation) of Americana resumed pumping raw water in the Piracicaba River on the afternoon of this Wednesday (7), after the completion of the interconnection works for the new extraction of water in the city.
According to information from the city’s press office, the water is already being treated to supply the reservoirs and should begin to reach homes at the end of the day. For this type of works, the estimate is that the offer will stabilize in 48 hours.
The Piracicaba river water catchment has been interrupted since 6:00 am on Tuesday (6) to carry out the interconnection service for a new catchment. As a result, a general supply shortage was already anticipated in the city.
However, the interconnection service had problems Tuesday night. According to the DAE, pumping resumed around 9:30 p.m., but had to stop after a piece of the new collection interconnect broke.
It was necessary to empty the pipe (pipe) of raw water and then remove the water that flooded the control box of the new intake. It was also necessary to remove about 54 screws to install a blind flange, a “plug”, to contain the leak.
The service was completed around 2 am.
“The construction of the new collection, which should be ready within 35 to 45 days, will improve supply conditions and guarantee water for the future,” DAE said in a note.
With the city exhausted, the population turned to artesian wells on Wednesday. LIBERAL went through the units and found lines of more than 40 people in the wells of Jardim Brasil and Cidade Jardim.
Employee of a snack bar specialized in porridge, Vitor Barbosa Ferreira, 18, went twice to the Jardim Brasil well to guarantee water for work.
“You have to use water for production and also to wash the equipment we use there. This morning I went to open the water tank and there was nothing left, ”he said.
The 50-year-old dentist Marta Ribeiro said that the interconnection of the new water intake aggravated a problem that was already critical in Cidade Jardim. Local residents have reported running out of water throughout the day for at least 15 days.
“He comes back only at dawn, around 1 am. She stays there until 6 in the morning, more or less, and it’s over. This is our routine, every day we come to fetch water. That night he didn’t come and we had to come get him [no poço] because if not, there will be no water at all, ”lamented Marta.