
With 28 points, Raposa is nine out of the fourth, Youth, who lost to America 2-1, in IndependĂȘncia, also this Tuesday. In the second, Cuiab (5th, with 37) was defeated by Confiana 2-0, at the Batisto stadium, in Aracaju, capital of Sergipe.
In addition to bridging the G4 gap, the Heavenly Team increased to eight points the advantage over Nutico, the first club in the relegation zone. It should be remembered that Tombu will continue to enter the field of play for the 23rd round, against Vitria (16, with 25), at 7pm this Wednesday, at the Aflitos stadium, in Pernambuco.
Serie B has Chapecoense in the lead, with 47 points, followed by Amrica, 43, and Sampaio Corra, 40. The sixth Ava and the seventh Ponte Preta add up to 36, while the eighth CSA has 34. In sequence are CRB and Confiana, both with 32. In the bluff of the competition is the West, with only 11 points in 23 games.
According to the UFMG Department of Mathematics, a club that reaches 63 points in Srie B has a 96.7% chance of access. With 15 rounds to the end of the tournament, Cruzeiro would need at least 35 points (77.77%), something like 11 wins, two draws and two losses.
The next appointment of the team coached by Luiz Felipe Scolari will be on Friday, at 9:30 p.m., against Confiana, in Mineiro, on matchday 24 of Srie B.