Cruzeiro hired pai de santo to avoid the decrease at the end of the year for R $ 10,000, but he owes it, reveals the portal


In an attempt to prevent degradation in the Brazilian championshipthe Cruise He hired Babalorixá Reginaldo Muller Pádua, 58, for R $ 10,000, but he owed R $ 4,000 to the father of a saint, a popular way these spiritual leaders are known.

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The information is from “Uol Esporte” this Thursday.

For services, three installments were agreed between October 16 and November 28. The first was R $ 2.5 thousand, on the combined date. The second was R $ 3 thousand, on November 13. On the 28th, the heavenly team transferred the last installment, but only R $ 500 a.

According to the report, payments to pai de santo were authorized by Benecy Queiroz, head of the club’s technical department. The director confirmed that he had hired Padua and that Zezé Perrella, then president of the deliberative council, requested the service.

The saint’s father also confirmed the deals with Perrella.

“It was between him and me [Zezé Perrella]How it got to you, I don’t know. Actually, they did not send me the R $ 4 thousand, they only sent R $ 6 thousand. Who can speak correctly is the [Zezé] Perrella ”, said the father of the saint to the publication.

Perrella responded, saying that he did not know the subject. And former president Wagner Pires de Sá said the hiring was not made on behalf of the club and attributed it to Perrella. “There are people who approve of Perrella, they like him very much.”

Cruzeiro was demoted for the first time in his history after losing to Palmeiras in the last round of Nacional.
