Cruzeiro can receive R $ 20 million in insurance if he shows a reckless management of Wagner Pires – Rádio Itatiaia


Photo: Vinnicius Silva / Cruzeiro
Vinnicius Silva / Cruzeiro

In the midst of the dire financial crisis, Cruzeiro may have a cash relief to pay off debts that suffocate the club. The president of the Main Transitory Nucleus, Saulo Fróes, revealed, in an interview with Itatiaia, that Raposa has a millionaire insurance that covers the reckless management of the directors and that will be activated after the club completes the internal investigations on the administration of Wagner Pires de Sá.

The value of the insurance, according to Fróes, is R $ 20 million. The insurer’s money would be raised through reports from Kroll, a corporate research consulting firm hired by Cruzeiro in March this year, that would prove that the Wagner Pires administration compromised the club’s finances.

“There is insurance in the amount of R $ 20 million that covers the reckless management of the directors. Based on this documentation, we will also try to receive, before the evidence, these R $ 20 million. If we can, it will be very important for this year’s cash flow in view of the situation we are facing, ”Fróes revealed.

Listen to Saulo Fróes’ statement

Kroll’s reports will also be submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Civil Police, which are investigating the documents under the direction of Wagner Pires de Sá. Other objectives, based on the consulting firm’s work to demonstrate reckless management, will be to hold former directors accountable and try to compensate for misused amounts.

“This survey that Kroll is doing, regarding the documentation in evidence, will be of utmost importance not only to present it in the process that goes to the Prosecutor’s Office, but also so that we can request a simple refund. Because it may not be considered a crime, but there is civil liability for reckless management, “he said.

Saulo Fróes believes that the investigation that will raise the evidence against the Wagner Pires de Sá administration should be completed next month. “We are very hopeful that in May we will bring this good news to Cruzeiro fans and that it can help in this recovery phase,” he concluded.
