Crivella says he is the most “frustrated of the Cariocas” and defends himself against the complaints – 10/8/2020


Rio de Janeiro Mayor Marcelo Crivella (Republicans) said he had to choose between “taking care of the people or plugging a hole” during his term and said he was the most “frustrated of Cariocas.” In an interview with the newspaper O Globo, published today, he still defended his management, denied the accusations of irregularities and said that he handled the pandemic in Rio well.

Crivella claimed that he had to pay debts to the management of Eduardo Paes, which prevented his projects from being fully carried out. According to him, the new coronavirus pandemic aggravated the situation.

“In the pandemic, I showed that I took care of myself, because a year before the coronavirus appeared I insisted on renovating our technology park. And so I bought tons of equipment, which arrived at the right time. But I can say that I am the most frustrated of all when I entered I wanted to take care of people, not just hospitals, “he said.

The representative from Rio de Janeiro stated that he needed to pay off debts and not delay wages. “I couldn’t take it anymore because I had bills to pay all the time and we were terrified of being late. In the first three years, my budget to pay expenses was reduced by R $ 10 billion compared to the previous government, and I still paid R $ 5 , 2 billion out of a total of R $ 6.7 billion in financing that Eduardo (Paes) took for the Olympic Games. All my dreams were hampered, “he explained.

At the same time, the mayor defended himself against the accusations made by the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro that said that there was a bribe at the mayor’s office. “Crazy, useless things, connections that are not talked about, that are not confirmed in practice. Evidence that evidence has never been seen. But it’s about politics ”, he defined.

“Locanty (the company mentioned in Sérgio Mizrahy’s complaint as a beneficiary of the Tippa headquarters) did not receive a penny in the four years of my government. I reached into the fire for myself. Reversed order of payment, favoring A or B. As painful as it is to suffer these injustices from the Public Ministry, this excited and rebellious deputy is better than the one who during the period (Sergio) Cabral and Paes saw nothing. to investigate, invent these things that are not going anywhere “, he evaluated.

Guardians of the Crivella

Another issue addressed in the interview were the so-called “Guardians of the Crivella”, who would be municipal officials who impeded the work of journalists and coerced patients to give interviews at the doors of hospitals. Crivella said he trained a group of people to “tend” people in hospitals and denied the recommendation to avoid the press.

“I had a group of people who were trained, who underwent tests, to stay in hospitals and receive people. This group is in the Official Gazette. There is another group called Guardians of Crivella, which is an internet group, I am not administrator and I do not have a position in this group. It is a group of volunteers, of people who defend the government, as all politicians have, the President of the Republic has, “he said.

Support from Carlos Bolsonaro?

In the middle of the electoral period, the mayor of Rio said that he will not force the support of Senator Carlos Bolsonaro (also from Republicans), but that he would like his participation in the campaign.

“If Carlos can, I would like very much. But I do not want to embarrass the candidates, not even my party. Regarding the president, it is a decision that belongs to him. I cannot answer,” he said.

57% rejection

According to the latest Ibope poll, published last Friday (2), Crivella has a rejection rate of 57%. The second on the list is Clarissa Garotinho (PROS), with 38%. The mayor played down, explaining that popularity depends on how television and newspapers display their image.

“I hope that now, with the electoral propaganda, I have a space that I did not have because I did not have the resources. I will have 17 ads a day. In it, I will be able to show what I am talking about. I had to choose: either I take care of the people or I plug a hole and change the lamp ”, he commented.

With the intention of voting, the leader is Eduardo Paes, with 27%, followed by Crivella (12%), Martha Rocha (8%) and Benedita da Silva (7%).
