Criticized by Rodrigo Maia, the Minister of the Environment calls Mayor Nhonho


RIO – The Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, called the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, of Nhonho in a post on social media Wednesday night.

The comment was made in a post Maia made on Saturday. In it, the mayor criticized Salles: “Minister Ricardo Salles, not satisfied with destroying Brazil’s environment, has now decided to destroy the government itself.”

Nhonho is the name of a character in the “Turma do Chaves” series and is how the ideological wing of Bolsonaro’s supporters pejoratively calls the mayor.

Maia’s publication was made in the middle of a fight between the ideological and military wing of the government, exposed after Ricardo Salles’ social media attack on Luiz Eduardo Ramos, last Thursday.

The “struggle” began after the publication of a note by GLOBO columnist Bela Megale, with a message sent by the Minister of the Environment to his government colleague, the Chief Minister of the Secretary of Government, Luiz Eduardo Ramos. On Twitter, Salles said “he has enormous respect and appreciation for the military institution” and that the general should put aside the “position of #mariafofoca.”

The president of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), also defended the minister of the Government Secretariat. In a post on Twitter, Alcolumbre highlighted the importance of Ramos for the government’s institutional relationship with Congress and highlighted Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, saying that “it is not healthy” for a minister to publicly offend a colleague.

“Without going into the merits of the issue, I make two reservations.1 As head of the Legislative Assembly, I note the importance of @MinLuizRamos in the institutional relationship with Congress.2. It is not healthy for a minister to publicly offend another minister. and it hurts Brazil, ”Alcolumbre wrote.

However, the posts generated negative responses from government opponents.


Last Sunday, the Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, used his social media account to apologize to his colleague Luiz Eduardo Ramos (Secretary of Government). The gesture occurs on the same day that the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, took a motorcycle ride with the military. On Thursday, irritated, Salles called Ramos “Maria gossip.”

“I spoke with Minister Ramos, I apologized for the excess and put an end to it. We are together in government, for President Bolsonaro and Brazil. Good Sunday everyone,” Salles wrote.

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Earlier during the tour, when asked if the situation was pacified, Luiz Eduardo Ramos replied:

– When one does not want to, two do not fight.

This afternoon, in a social network, the minister of the Government Secretariat said that “a good conversation calms down differences” and that “intrigues do not solve anything.”
