Criticism of Bolsonaro, conselheiros do São Paulo fazem pressão por demissão de Raí


According to commentator Vitor Birner, or director of soccer and ex-player of São Paulo F.C., Raí, he went on to sofrer forte pressão within the club pela sua demissão após affirm that o president Jair Bolsonaro (Sem Partido-RJ) should resign.

Birner said that the conselho do clube é conservador e não
oil contrary opinion.

Do not limit irresponsibility

O director of futebol do São Paulo and ex-player Raí fez
strong criticism of the Brazilian government and President Jair Bolsonaro (Sem
Partido-RJ), during the Globo Esporte program, citing what should be requested
reluctance “for not being limited gives irresponsibility”.

Raí foi also criticized hair commentator and ex-player Caio
Ribeiro who, for his time, ouviu anger
Do colleague Walter Casagrande:

“I disagree when you hear that Rai only feared that
Futebol, which could not fail of politics. Isso is undemocratic. No power
censor or that or outro is failing. Foge gives democracy. […] Então, você tem
to be more clear, because, all those years, it is not the first time that you
fear that vir no Bem, Friends! explain a statement because you are not clear ”,
disse Casão.
