Covid-19: when the vaccination of elderly people over 80 years old in ES begins


Distribution and vaccination in Gran Vitória
ES received 61 thousand doses of vaccine against Covid-19 this Wednesday (24). Credit: Fernando Madeira

In Anchieta, in the south of the state, this public will be immunized when the vaccination of the elderly from 85 to 89 years is completed. The municipality highlights, by note, that it awaits the arrival of new doses. A forecast of the arrival of the vaccine has not been provided.

In addition to the municipalities of Grande Vitória, Gazeta activated the prefectures of Aracruz, Linhares and São Mateus, in the north of the state; as well as Cachoeiro de Itapemirim and Presidente Keneddy, in the south of the state. As soon as the return is sent, the text will be updated.

Pfizer vaccine is the first to obtain definitive registration in Brazil
The Pfizer vaccine is the first to obtain definitive registration in Brazil. Credit: Pfizer Brasil


In Vitória, the schedule for vaccinating active health workers and the elderly 80 years and older will be available at 2 pm on Thursday (25). The vaccination of this new group already occurs this Friday (26). To schedule online, simply access the link or use the application Online victory.

The elderly will be vaccinated in the Baptist Church of Jardim da Penha, in the Center of Celebration of Jardim Camburi and in the health units of the Andorinhas, Do Quadro, República, Consolação, Alagoano, Fonte Grande, Grande Vitória, Isla Caieiras, Jabour, Maria Ortiz, Resistencia, Santa Luiza, Santa Martha, Santo André and São Cristóvao.

The elderly who are prostrate or bedridden will be vaccinated at home. Health workers will be immunized in the health units of the Conquista, Forte São João, Santa María Island, Jardim Camburi, Maruípe, Praia do Suá, Santo Antônio and Centro neighborhoods.


The municipality of Vila Velha has an average of 5,600 people aged 80 to 84 years. So far, the municipal administration has 2,828 doses to serve this public. The hours will start on the website of the city council next Monday (1). Vaccinations will begin on Tuesday (2).


The expectation in Cariacica is that the vacancies for programming will open next Monday (1). The service must be performed on the website The data from the last census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2010 indicate that the city has 2,880 elderly people.


Until the end of the afternoon of this Thursday (25), the Department of Health of the Sierra (Sesa) will release the online calendar to vaccinate older people with 80 years or more. The request will be made this Friday (26). Programming must be done on the Serra City Council website, at the link

As of Monday (1), the municipality will announce more doses for the vaccination of health professionals. According to the mayor’s office, the state government sent more than 2,900 doses to serve both audiences.

The vaccination sites continue to be the regional health units of Jacaraípe, Boa Vista, Serra Dourada, Feu Rosa, Novo Horizonte and Serra Sede, in addition to the basic health unit in Nova Almeida.

People aged 80 years or older who are bedridden or with reduced mobility will be vaccinated at home. In this case, no programming is necessary. Health teams have mapped this audience and will make direct contact. To receive the vaccine, the elderly must present an identity document or the Unified Health System (SUS) card.

For health workers, one of the documents will be required: a credential, plus a statement from the health service where they work; paycheck employment contract; Work card or class council card, plus the account statement of the service where you work.


Viana reported that he already immunized the public from 83 to 89 years old last Saturday (22) during a joint effort. With the arrival of the new doses scheduled for this Thursday (25), this afternoon the elderly between 78 and 82 years will be vaccinated.

The city says that it has already vaccinated, with two doses, 100% of the elderly over 60 who live in Long-Term Care Institutions (ILP), people with disabilities who live in institutions and the employees of these places. There is still a group of health professionals who receive the second dose.

The municipality highlights that the entire priority group is referenced in the Family Health Program (PSF), so that older adults do not need to program or seek care in health units. The city council professionals will go to the homes to schedule and apply doses in the group defined by the immunization plan.


Guarapari intends to release the vaccination schedule for the elderly between 80 and 84 years of age next week. However, it is already defined that the immunization will be in Drive Thru format, at the Maurice Santos Sports Complex.

According to the mayor’s office, along with the doses to serve this new group, the state government must also send the batch to protect health professionals who work in health facilities registered in the National Registry (CNES).


In Colatina, Northwest of the State, the new batch of doses will arrive this Friday (26). However, the municipality does not have information on the number of immunizers. After that, it will be possible to set the start date of the applications. The Department of Health reported that it is conducting a survey of the estimated public that can be served.

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