Covid-19: Brazil wants more time to decide whether to join the vaccine alliance – 09/17/2020


Brazil wants more time to decide whether or not to join an international covid-19 vaccine alliance (Covax). The deadline to join the group ends tomorrow. But, after a meeting this afternoon at the Planalto Palace, representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Civil House and the Foreign Ministry decided to ask the Global Vaccination Alliance (Gavi) for more time.

“The federal government, as well as other countries, continues in negotiations with the Global Vaccination Alliance (Gavi) to extend the deadline to formalize Brazil’s participation in the initiative,” says a note distributed by the Ministry of Communications tonight. , right after the meeting ends.

According to the Twitter, He discovered that a representative of Itamaraty has already contacted Gavi to request a change in the date of the decision. The Foreign Ministry did not provide clarification to the report.

“The federal government is carefully studying Brazil’s participation in the Covax Facility, an unprecedented initiative that aims to acquire vaccines from at least nine options in clinical analysis,” the Ministry of Communications reported.

The government says it needs more information about coronavirus vaccines. As a columnist for Twitter Jamil Chad, Brazil’s hesitation is followed by other countries.

The reasons include the lack of flexibility in the vaccine purchase system, the price of the vaccines, the lack of technology transfer, the low adherence of other countries and the fact that Brazil has already concluded a separate agreement for the vaccine to be produced under the supervision of the University of Oxford, England, and the pharmaceutical industry Astra Zeneca.

The rules also stipulate that emerging countries, such as Brazil, must pay for the vaccine within the consortium and that only about 70 poorest countries in the world would have free access.

In practice, therefore, being one of the countries with the largest population and being a middle-income country, Brazil would be one of the states that would pay the most to be part of the alliance, without the benefit of having control over vaccines and no transfer. of technology.

On Thursday, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that more than 170 countries have already joined Covax.

Read the full note from the Ministry of Communications:

Regarding participation in the Covax Facility initiative, the Federal Government clarifies the following:

1- Since June, the Brazilian government has been part of ACT-Accelerator, a multilateral initiative that aims to accelerate the development, production and access to diagnostics, medicines, treatments, tests and especially vaccines against Covid-19.

2 – In all its dealings with international institutions, the premise of the Brazilian government is to ensure fair and equitable access to safe and effective vaccines for the protection of the Brazilian population against the new coronavirus.

3- In this context, the Federal Government is carefully studying Brazil’s participation in the Covax Facility, an unprecedented initiative that aims to acquire vaccines among at least nine options in clinical analysis.

4- The Federal Government, like other countries, continues in negotiations with the Global Vaccination Alliance (GAVI) to extend the term to formalize Brazil’s participation in the initiative.

5- This measure is necessary to obtain more information on the regulatory approval conditions, the applicable legal instrument, the vaccines under development, their storage characteristics and logistical transport. These definitions are especially important in a country like Brazil, with continental dimensions.

6- Due to the scope and high coverage rates of the National Immunization Program, Brazil is recognized worldwide for having experience, productive capacity and extensive technical knowledge to contribute to international cooperation in vaccination and solidarity initiatives “.
