Covas rules out the confinement in SP: ‘there is no place for alarmist discourse’ | 2020 elections in São Paulo


The re-elected mayor of São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), ruled out decreeing a closure in the city of São Paulo. “There is no place for the alarmist speech that we are going to have a new confinement or that the pandemic is over,” said Bruno Covas (PSDB) in an interview with the In Focus program with Andréia Sadi, from Globonews, this Monday (30) . The city registered an increase in the number of hospitalizations for Covid-19 and opened 200 beds in the municipal network in November.

The toucan was re-elected mayor of São Paulo this Sunday (29), with 59.38% of the valid votes, defeating the candidate Guilherme Boulos (PSOL).

This Monday (30), the state government must announce that São Paulo is going back to the yellow phase of the São Paulo Plan. Regarding the announcement that will be made the day after the municipal elections, Bruno Covas assured that “at no time was he guided by the electoral calendar.”

The toucan said that there was no strict confinement in the São Paulo capital, not even during the worst phase of the pandemic. “It is very difficult to do a running of the bulls in a city that has 1,772 streets that on one side is São Paulo and on the other is a city of Greater São Paulo, or it begins in the city of São Paulo and ends in another city. “. .

Covas has also highlighted that the current staff of the Metropolitan Civil Guard would not allow the closure in the city to be carried out either.

Bruno Covas talks about his next term in an interview with GloboNews – Photo: Playback / TV Globo

See below the main excerpts from the interview:

“Well, I gave in to him because I consider all the accusations made against him unfair, whoever knows Ricardo Nunes knows that he has nothing to do with assaults on women, with childcare problems. Anyway, whoever knows his story knows that He is a dedicated person, a person who came from below, from the south of São Paulo, built heritage, undertook, was elected councilor, re-elected, he is very loved there in the south of São Paulo. Then, unfortunately, he suffered a lot from this campaign of hatred that is done on the Internet. But he is a person who will be my great right hand for the next 4 years. “

Relationship with the federal government

“Clear [que irá ter diálogo], especially because I understand that the Bolsonaro government also wants to have points with the city of São Paulo, the main city of the country. I have my party, ideological convergences with him, but the city wants to see a joint work of the city with the state government and the city with the federal government. I even chose this speech. I will look for it, I will try to establish common projects for the city of São Paulo, the voter hopes that we will have the behavior of leaving the election for yesterday. Now is the time to build, the time of governor, let’s put aside the electoral platform and focus on the city of São Paulo. And of course I will seek support, collaboration, together with the federal government ”.

“We are analyzing with the state government, taking into account the inflation of the period, taking into account this serious economic crisis that we have in the city of São Paulo, in Brazil and in the world and by the end of the year we should reach a decision with the state government, if it will have it, it will not have and how much it will be. “

Diversity in the secretariat

“The mayor’s office already complies with municipal legislation that establishes a quota for black men and women in positions of trust. During the campaign, I made a commitment to have black men and women in the secretariat. I will fulfill this campaign commitment. We still do not have the equivalent number of men with women in the secretariat, but we have reached a number that we never had in the city of São Paulo of seven secretariats occupied by women, we will try to expand it further in the next term ”.

“Every 3 weeks I go to the hospital for another immunotherapy session. I was there on Wednesday of last week, in the last week of the campaign. It lasts 30 minutes, it is very fast. Now you must go through this or next week. another battery of tests. Every 4 months I go through a battery like these, to be able to analyze the evolution of the treatment, check if the treatment changes or, in short, the doctors are so excited. Two of the three tumors have already regressed by maximum. “

Total votes for the 2nd round

  • Bruno Covas (PSDB): 59.38% (3,169,121 votes)
  • Guilherme Boulos: 40.62% (2,168,109 votes)
  • White: 4.39% (273,216)
  • Null: 9.76% (607,062)

Tucan’s victory came amid the largest abstention in the history of the city of São Paulo: more than 30% of voters (2,769,179) did not go to the polls this Sunday.

The toucan was re-elected with a wide range of political alliances, forming a coalition that includes eleven parties (PSDB, MDB, PP, Pode, PSC, PL, Citizenship, DEM, PTC, PV and PROS). The agreement guaranteed the longest television advertising time in the first round, but did not elect enough councilors to form a majority in the City Council (25 of the 55 seats).
