Covas leads and the dispute for second place is mixed between Boulos, Márcio França and Russomanno in SP


RIO – The Ibope and Datafolha polls released this Saturday, the eve of the elections, pointed to the consolidation of the current mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB) in the leadership of the dispute over the city of São Paulo. The two polls also show that the duel for second place is tangled, with the numerical advantage of Guilherme Boulos (PSOL). Márcio França (PSB) and Celso Russomanno (Republicans) are next. All three are in a technical tie if the margins of error are considered.

See: GLOBO interviews with candidates for the City of São Paulo

In Datafolha, Covas positively fluctuated one point from 36% to 37% of valid votes in which blank and null votes are not counted. In the duel for second place, Boulos has 17% of the intentions, the same percentage of the survey carried out on November 10 and 11. France appeared, for the first time, in third place, with 14%, one point more than in the last survey. Celso Russomanno (Republicans) fluctuated two points and now has 13%. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.

Jilmar Tatto (PT) and Arthur do Val (Patriota) add 6%. Joice Hasselmann (PSL) has 3% and Andre Matarazzo (PSD), 2%. The remaining candidates appear with 1% or less of the voting intentions. The survey, commissioned by Rede Globo and the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”, was registered with the Electoral Tribunal under number SP-01587/2020. Datafolha listened to 2,987 voters on the 13th and 14th.

Elections 2020: Paes leads in Rio, and Crivella, Martha Rocha and Benedita compete for a place in the 2nd round, says Ibope

If the total votes are considered, Covas has 33% and Boulos, 15%. France adds 12% and Russomanno 11%. Another 8% stated that they intend to vote blank or cancel and 4% did not respond.

The survey, commissioned by Rede Globo and the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”, was registered with the Electoral Tribunal under number SP-01587/2020. Ibope listened to 2,987 voters on the 13th and 14th.

In Ibope, Covas appeared with 38% of the valid votes, the same index of the 9 poll. Boulos adds 16%, one point more. France and Russomanno are tied at 13%. The Republican candidate oscillated two points negatively and France one positively. Since the margin of error is three points higher or lower, the PSOL, PSB and Republican candidates are technically tied. Arthur do Val has 7% and Tatto, 6%. Joice adds 3% and Matarazzo, 2%. The remaining candidates represent 1% or less of the voting intentions.

By total votes, Covas has 33% and Boulos, 14%. France and Russomanno account for 11%. The survey, commissioned by Rede Globo and the newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo”, was registered with the Electoral Tribunal under number SP-05645/2020. Ibope listened to 1,204 voters on the 12th and 14th.

Do the test: With which mayoral candidate do you most identify?

Neither Datafolha nor Ibope point to the possibility of Covas winning in the first round, despite the fact that the toucan has been on a steady upward trajectory from mid-October to early this week. In current polls, the mayor, however, only wavered within the margin of error in the polls. If a candidate reaches 50% of the valid votes plus one, he wins the contest in the first round.
