Covas has 47% and Boulos, 35% of the voting intentions in São Paulo, says Ibope | Politics


(Text was changed to correct Márcio França’s party, which is from PSB and not from PDT)

The first Ibope poll for the second round of the elections in São Paulo, published today, shows the current mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB) with 47% of the voting intentions, compared to 35% of his opponent Guilherme Boulos (35% ). . The undecided are 4% and 14% responded that they intend to vote blank or null.

When considering only valid votes (not counting undecided, blank and null votes) Covas has 58% and Boulos, 42%. Ibope also asked the voter if the decision is already final. For 78% the choice is made and 21% said they can still change the vote. Only 1% said they did not know or did not respond.

The expectation of victory, that is, of who the voter believes will be elected despite their intention, is more favorable for Covas (63%). Boulos reaches 25%.

Tucana’s management is considered excellent by 33% of voters. The majority, 43%, rate it as fair. Another 20% think it is bad or terrible.

The poll released today heard 1,001 voters in person between Monday and today. The survey was commissioned by the newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo” and TV Globo. The margin of error is 3 percentage points or so and the confidence level is 95%. The survey is registered with the Electoral Tribunal under protocol SP-05645/2020.

Throughout this week, the Covas and Boulos campaigns have been dedicated to closing the arch of support for other legends. The toucan received the endorsement of Congressman Celso Russomanno and his party, the Republicans. PSD candidate Andrea Matarazzo, also defeated, declared his vote in Covas, in a personal gesture. The national PSD has yet to come forward. The coalition formed by Covas has ten parties: PSDB, MDB, DEM, Pode, PSC, Progressistas, PL, PROS, Cidadania and PV. Solidaridad also declared its support.

The PT, PCdoB, and Rede were formally supported by the defeated candidates Jilmar Tatto, Orlando Silva, and Marina Helou, respectively. The PDT also spoke in favor of Boulos today. The definition of PSB, by the then candidate Márcio França, is expected this week.

This Friday the time for free voting on radio and television resumes. Candidates will have the same exposure times, with 5 minutes each.
