A Federal Police (PF) broke out this Friday morning (2), the “Operao Poison”, which seeks to combat the counterfeiting of a traditional cachaa from Minas Gerais. The agents went to the place where the irregular production was taking place, in the Caiara neighborhood, in the northwest region of Belo Horizonte, and found various materials, such as bottles, wales, stamps and labels, as well as a large amount of cash. A man was taken in the act.
According to the institution, the investigation began two months ago, after receiving complaints of forgery. Upon arriving at the house where the clandestine manufacturing was carried out, the PF agents found stamps, Industrialized Products Tax (IPI) labels and envelopes. R $ 20 thousand in species. It was also found that the production did not meet the sanitary control standards. In addition, 70 bottles and four Welsh cachaa were also seized (see part of the seized material in the video below).
A man was arrested on the spot and must be held responsible for the crime of forgery, corruption, adulteration or alteration of substance or food products, a crime for which all those involved will respond and whose sentence can reach eight years in prison.
In total, three search and seizure warrants, issued by the Vara de Inquritos in Belo Horizonte, were executed by PF agents.