Councilors vote on new territorial limit between Curitiba and SJP



Councilors vote on new territorial limit between Curitiba and SJP
Photo: Disclosure / Curitiba City Council

This Tuesday (6), the Curitiba City Council (CMC) submits to a vote in the first round the change of territorial limits between Curitiba and São José dos Pinhais. The proposal is from the state government and aims to amend a 1951 state law.

Although it is a project of the Government of Paraná, it needs to be approved by the councils of the two municipalities to be sent to the Legislative Assembly of Paraná (Alep).

In practice, Parque São José, which has a large part of its area within Curitiba, now belongs entirely to São José dos Pinhais. And the capital incorporates the Cambuí Reserve, which is already in its territory, an adjoining area located between the old bed of the Iguaçu River and the Extravasor Canal.

According to the proposal, despite the change, the territorial extension of both municipalities will remain unchanged.

The proposal must be approved in two shifts, before being sent to state deputies.

Reporter William Bittar with information from CMC
