Coronavirus: Series A players demonstrate for the first time in a pandemic: “think about health”


The Series A stars of the Brazilian Championship such as Everton Ribeiro and Diego (Flamengo), Felipe Melo (Palmeiras), Cássio (Corinthians) and Fernando Prass (Ceará) spoke for the first time about the coronavirus pandemic and the cessation of national soccer. The video that brought together athletes was produced by Fenapaf (National Federation of Professional Soccer Athletes).

In a section that brings together brief testimonials from names like Minas Gerais rivals Victor (Atlético-MG) and Fábio (Cruzeiro), the athletes defend the return of the sport only with the approval of the medical authorities.

“The Brazilian people love and want soccer. We love and want to return, our families need us. We are all for work, but we must think about the health of all of us. Safe work, the greatness of the nation. With faith, we will win this party together. ” “says the video with the players.

In addition to addressing the pandemic, Fenapaf’s message also talks about Congressman Arthur Maia’s controversial bill (DEM-BA). It proposes a 50% reduction in the compensatory clause in the event of termination of the club with a player. Therefore, the professional athlete would have between half and only half of what he could receive today, if the contract were terminated by a team.

In the testimony, names like Prass, Diego and Leandro Castán (Vasco) complain about the fact that the class is not heard. Deputy Júlio Delgado (PSB-MG) published an amendment to revoke this clause, alleging that reducing terminations would be an invitation to irresponsible administrations in national football.

“Brazil, it is time for everyone to unite. We are a people, a nation. We have different realities in our class; most of them work only three months a year; 95% of us receive less than two minimum wages. laws without listening This is not good, that is why we are here and we need to be listened to carefully, “the athletes say.

This is the first joint demonstration of players of this caliber on both tracks.

On Monday (04), the athletes from Internacional and Grêmio performed again after the holiday period. In São Paulo, on the other hand, the federation decided jointly with the clubs that there is still no set date for the teams to return to their training centers or for state games.
