Coronavirus: Occupancy rate in ICU of the municipal health network reaches 87% and pressure for beds increases


RIO – The cruellest face of the pandemic has once again frightened Rio. With the increase in cases of the disease, the occupation of ICU beds in the capital is at the limit, according to researchers and experts. Data from the Municipal Health Secretariat show that, on Sunday, of the 251 vacancies in the town hall units for critical patients, 219 were occupied, reaching a rate of 87.2%. For epidemiologist Roberto Medronho, professor at UFRJ, the ideal percentage is up to 70%.

– That rate is too high. The flexibility account that we saw in the Sete de Setembro vacation has now arrived – Medronho said, in an interview with GloboNews.

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Two months ago, the occupancy rate in ICUs of the municipal network was 78.4%. The city said it has 630 beds in wards for Covid-19 patients. Of them, 240 were busy this Sunday. If the entire network of the Unified Health System (SUS) -which includes municipal, state and federal units- is taken into account, the percentage of occupied ICU beds in the capital was 80% yesterday, with 399 hospitalized. Two months ago, it was 71%. The rate in theaters this Sunday was 51%.

In a note, the Municipal Health Secretariat reported that it carries out “the absolute majority of Covid-19 visits” in Rio, since there was a closure of beds in other networks “. The state stopped receiving patients in Maracaná and São Gonçalo and its own network, while the campaign units in Leblon and Parque dos Atletas, which were maintained by the private sector, were also demobilized, as planned since the inauguration.

The only open field hospital in Rio is Riocentro, next to the Town Hall. While there are still some vacancies in the system, 48 people expected a vacancy in Covid-19 beds this Sunday in the Metropolitan Region.

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Average goes up ten days ago

This pressure on the hospital network is also a reflection of the increase in cases, which reached 102,246 on Sunday in the capital. The total number of deaths registered as of Sunday was 10,849. Statewide, there are 261,860 infected and 18,278 deaths. To verify the trend of the disease, the consortium of press vehicles has been using the moving average of the records for the last seven days. The consortium is made up of O GLOBO, Extra, G1, Folha de S. Paulo, UOL and O Estado de S. Paulo.

With this parameter, there are 85 deaths and 1,421 cases per day in the state. This Sunday there was an increase of 47% in the average of deaths compared to the previous two weeks, which, well above 15%, indicates a scenario of growth in the contagion of the disease. It was the 10th day followed by an increase in the death rate. The last major sequence of increases in death rates occurred between August 20 and August 31, when growth ranged from 20% to 89% on those 12 dates.

Race by places

With fewer beds due to the closure of field hospitals and the increase in cases, the Public Defender’s Office has received more requests for action to obtain vacancies in the ICU.

– We had stopped having a lawsuit requesting ICU hospitalization for Covid-19, but requests for action are gradually increasing. We were taking a lot of actions to ask for beds that were not from Covid, because they closed the field hospitals and they were launching these people with Covid on the network. And a bed that was not Covid was missing. Now, we do not have a bed for Covid or non-Covid – said Thaísa Guerreira, coordinator of Health and Guardianship of the Defender.

The Fiocruz health doctor, Christovam Barcellos, who last Friday pointed out that the capital is in a “critical zone” in relation to the supply and occupation of beds for patients with coronavirus, blames the relaxation, both by the government and by society, as the main factors that contributed to this current scenario.

– This increase in the occupation of beds for Covid-19 in Rio is a consequence of several things that are happening. People are exposing themselves a lot now, even those who have been watched for months have now started exposing themselves directly or indirectly.

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For him, there is the risk of a major new wave of the disease, and in this case, the current structure could end up not supporting the demand for beds.

– We see field hospitals (of State) be demobilized and this is very serious because there is the possibility of a new outbreak, and in that case, we will be out of hospital places. There is a great relaxation on the part of the population and the government for at least a month, added Barcellos.

With the sun cracking on the first day of spring, this Sunday, sanitary regulations were ignored thousands of times on the edge of Rio. The sands of the beaches were crowded, which is still prohibited. Only sea bathing is allowed, as well as walking along the boardwalk, but with masks. The temperature reached 40.8 degrees yesterday in Irajá, according to Rio Alert, from the mayor’s office. In Ipanema, no signs indicated that the city was in the middle of a pandemic and there was no space between the umbrellas. The bathers did not report any type of inspection.

Crowding in Ipanema: Cariocas once again ignored the pandemic and filled the city's beaches Photo: Alexandre Cassiano / Agência O Globo
Crowding in Ipanema: Cariocas once again ignored the pandemic and filled the city’s beaches Photo: Alexandre Cassiano / Agência O Globo

In Leme, some groups played freshball matches, while in Ipanema and Leblon bathers played footvolley, although team sports are only allowed from Monday to Friday.

– Civil society must understand that it depends a lot on it, that it must contribute, that it is not only the responsibility of the authorities. When you see crowded beaches, people who flock to bars and restaurants, this is the population itself that behaves in a negative way – said Margareth Dalholm, a pulmonologist and researcher at Fiocruz.

The interim governor Cláudio Castro extended some restrictive measures to confront Covid-19 until October 6. In addition to the prohibition of events with public presence, staying on the beach sand remains suspended. It is also prohibited, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the parking of private vehicles on the other side of the border of the capital. Only residents of the region can stop on the streets. According to the city, by the end of yesterday morning, 186 vehicles had been removed from Leme ao Pontal.
