Coronavirus: Latest news and what we know until this Tuesday (05) – 05/05/2020


Although a study indicates that Brazil may have 1.6 million cases of the new coronavirus, medical associations have already produced an ethical and technical protocol to help health professionals on the criteria for hospitalization of patients with covid-19 in ICU beds (intensive care units).

This is the drama of the accelerated increase in the number of cases of covid-19, which, as predicted if the curve of the number of cases did not flatten, causes cities across the country to have a waiting list for beds in the ICU in hospitals.

Report by Twitter It shows that states like Amazonas, Ceará, Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco already have patients who need to wait for a place to be admitted, and the problem with that. However, the figures from the Ministry of Health still seem to be unreported.

Yesterday, the portfolio decided to divide the disclosure of the data into two parts, one in the afternoon and one in the afternoon. The number of deaths from the new coronavirus in the country increased to 7,321, 296 deaths in 24 hours. There are 107,780 official cases, an increase of 6,633 diagnoses.

Brazil already registers, on average, 16 deaths per hour.

ICU protocol

To help doctors, Amib (Brazilian Association of Intensive Medicine) and Abramede (Brazilian Association of Emergency Medicine) launched the “Protocol to allocate resources under exhaustion during the covid-19 pandemic”, with a criteria table that should be observed in decision making. Basically, they must be guided by three criteria: severity, higher degree of survival and patient capacity.

In the first version of the document, released in late April, instead of functional capacity, the age of the patient was taken into account. However, a review carried out removed the criterion and resulted in a relaunch of the document.

The document says that a consensus should prevail that “the strongest principle is to prioritize patients with better possibilities of benefit and with higher expectations of survival.”

In neonatal ICUs, there are records of mothers who need to have virtual contact with their babies, through video calls:

More than 1.6 million cases.

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Brazil may have exceeded 1.6 million, according to a study carried out by the Covid-19 Brazil portal, created by professionals from different areas and institutions, especially from USP (University of São Paulo) . The actual number may be much higher than the official number: 1,657,752, considering the lack of reports, according to the survey.

To reach this number, the experts applied to Brazil the same mortality rate as the covid-19 observed in South Korea, where massive population tests were carried out and it was considered one of the countries with the most faithful number of cases and deaths. to reality. .

The study also estimates that young people share the highest number of cases, something that is striking compared to data from other countries. Only people between 20 and 39 years of age represent 32.3% of people infected with the coronavirus.

Teich did not seek private hospitals

Although the system is overloaded, the Minister of Health, Nelson Teich, has not yet sought the main representatives of private hospitals and health plans, which could be alternatives to provide care for the new coronavirus that can no longer be absorbed by the system. public. Of health.

Minister Teich on a visit to Manaus - Erasmo Salomão / Ministry of Health

Minister Teich on a visit to Manaus

Image: Erasmo Salomão / Ministry of Health

The FBH (Brazilian Hospital Federation), which represents 15 state associations representing more than 4,000 private hospitals, part of them affiliated with SUS, declared that there was no contact from the ministry, “even at such a delicate moment, when many public schools already showing signs of collapse. “

The federation also stated that “it is still waiting for an opportunity to speak and take the guidelines of the sector” and says that “it was not attended to, much less any type of negotiation was opened.”

A preliminary study estimates that the so-called “single line” for public and private ICUs would prevent up to 14,700 deaths from the new coronavirus across the country. In São Paulo, where there are the most beds, the use of private ICUs to serve SUS patients could prevent between 200 and a thousand deaths. This is if the current level of confinement, in approximately 50% of the population, remains the same.

Aggressor nurse works for the Ministry of Human Rights

Renan da Silva Sena, a subcontracted employee of the MDH (Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights), verbally attacked and spit on the nurses who were demonstrating in Praça dos Três Poderes, in Brasilia, last Friday (1).

Sena is a project analyst in the socio-educational sector, but has not appeared or been active in the ministry since mid-March. He was hired by the company G4F Soluções Corporativas Ltda, which has a contract with MDH in the amount of R $ 20 million to provide operational services and administrative support.

Commanded by Minister Damares Alves, the portfolio declared, in response to the Twitter, which requested the subcontracted company to dismiss Sena and that it would have been completed on April 23. However, the report requested and received no documentation to prove the resignation. Your functional email was also found to remain active until yesterday. The MPF opened an investigation.

250 thousand deaths in the world

The global number of deaths caused by covid-19, the disease resulting from the new coronavirus, has already exceeded the 250,000 mark: there are 251,059 deaths. The information takes into account data collected and published yesterday afternoon by Johns Hopkins University.

In total, more than 3.5 million people have already been diagnosed with covid-19. The majority occurred in the United States (almost 1.2 million), but the most affected continent is Europe (1.5 million).

The UK overtook Italy and now has the highest official death toll from coronavirus among Europeans, with 32,313 deaths. The last Italian bulletin registered 29,079 deaths in the country.

Exclusive: AM spent R $ 472 thousand more on respirators for warehouses

The government of Amazonas had a proposal of R $ 472 thousand more advantageous for the same respirators that it bought without offering at prices higher than the market of a wine store. The expensive purchase was revealed by UOL on April 20. Respirators are essential equipment in the treatment of patients with covid-19.

Wilson Lima (PSC), Governor of Amazonas - Reproduction - Apr. 23, 2019 / Facebook / WilsonLimaAM

Wilson Lima (PSC), Governor of Amazonas

Image: Playback – April 23, 2019 / Facebook / WilsonLimaAM

On April 8, Susam (Ministry of Health) issued an invoice in which he bought 28 mechanical respirators: 24 of the Resell Stellar 150 brand, for R $ 104.4 thousand each, and four other brand devices. Philips bought in the same warehouse for R $ 117.6 thousand each, for a total of R $ 2,976,000.

Despite the government-approved outlay, Susam had a more advantageous proposition, but preferred to buy respirators at Vineria Adega, known as a meeting point for politicians and businessmen in Manaus.

If it had opted for the most advantageous proposal, the government would have saved R $ 32 thousand in the total value of the contract and received five more respirators, the equivalent of R $ 440 thousand.

Maranhão begins the blockade and Dino sees good adherence

The governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino (PcdoB), sees “good adherence” to the blockade, the restrictive measures adopted in the capital, São Luís, begun today, to control the spread of the new coronavirus.

Blockade in São Luís - Playback / Twitter

Lock in São Luís

Image: Playback / Twitter

Justice last week determined the blockade, a stiffer blocking measure with the application of punishments to anyone who does not respect the guide.

“Good adherence of the population to the additional preventive measures that we have implemented today on the island of São Luís. There are 50 inspection and control points. At the end of the day we will have a more accurate evaluation. It is worth the effort, so that we can return back to normal as much as possible. ” before, “he wrote.

RJ studies confinement in more worrying places

Rio de Janeiro Governor Wilson Witzel internally discusses decreeing a state lockdown as a way to keep people home and stop nonessential activities, thereby reducing the spread of the coronavirus. A committee that advises the Fluminense government advises this direction and a doctor who is part of it, former minister José Gomes Temporão, said that the decision must be made “by yesterday.” The information is from the O Globo newspaper.

“The council was right to recommend closing the tampon for a period. We are not talking about a deadline, which will largely depend on adherence and the actual ability to reduce viral circulation,” said the doctor, who advocates the blocking only in parts of the developing state. delicate situation. “You can only leave when new cases and deaths fall. We’re still at the beginning of the climb.”

The Rio de Janeiro State Health Department reported yesterday that there are 11,721 confirmed cases and 1,065 deaths from coronavirus in the state. The government also reported that 356 deaths under investigation and 150 were ruled out. To date, among the confirmed cases, 6,284 patients have recovered from the disease. There was a 64% increase in deaths with the weakest insulation seen in the state.

São Paulo: neighborhoods with slums and homes concentrate more deaths

The neighborhoods where there are slums, homes and urbanizations where there are more registered deaths due to the coronavirus in the city of São Paulo, show data published yesterday by the City Council.

In general, these places are outside the expanded center and on the outskirts of the city. For example, Sapopemba, on the east side, has a concentration of this type of housing and recorded 101 deaths, a number more than ten times greater than that found in central neighborhoods such as Sé (8 deaths) and Barra funda (6).

In addition, data from the epidemiological bulletin of the Municipality of São Paulo from April 30 indicate that the risk of death of blacks from covid-19 is 62% higher compared to whites. In the case of browns, this risk is 23% higher. Experts point out that socioeconomic problems, such as poor basic sanitation, food insecurity, and difficulty accessing health care, increase the risk of getting sick and dying.

The city of São Paulo is negotiating agreements with private hospitals to use up to 800 ICU beds from private hospitals, which are least sought in this phase of covid-19. The public system is still under pressure, with 82% of occupancy in ICU beds (Intensive Care Units) of the occupied municipal network and 88% of ICU beds occupied in the state.

With traffic in the city of São Paulo due to traffic blockages to warn of social isolation, even an ambulance found it difficult to move:

United States: children are hospitalized with mystery syndrome

Fifteen children were hospitalized in New York with a mysterious syndrome, which has not yet been understood by American doctors. Several of them had already been diagnosed with the new coronavirus, but the development of what has been observed now has activated the warning signal in local authorities, in a similar movement to that observed in Europe: the United Kingdom registered deaths about a week ago in a similar scenario; Italy, Spain and more countries have also reported cases.

According to The New York Times, the city’s health department reported that children and teens ages 2 to 15 showed signs of toxic shock syndrome or Kawasaki disease, a rare disease in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels, including coronary arteries.

There are no deaths among the cases registered by the New York authorities.

The United States recorded 1,015 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours, the lowest daily number in a month, according to a count released today by Johns Hopkins University. The 24-hour survey brings the number of deaths from the covid-19 epidemic in the country to 68,689.

HC doctor appears in Science

In its latest edition, the North American weekly magazine Science, considered one of the most important scientific publications in the world, highlighted an article that analyzes the evolution of the treatment of covid-19 with heparin, an anticoagulant indicated for the reversal of thrombosis. Studies by doctors from different countries around the world have shown the efficacy of the drug in reducing intubation and hospitalization times in severe cases.

Reproduction / Sírio-Libanês Hospital
Image: Reproduction / Sírio-Libanês Hospital

The first to observe this in Brazil was the São Paulo pulmonologist, Elnara Marcia Negri, from the Hospital Sirio Libanês and from USP (University of São Paulo). For Science, Elnara explained that in severe cases of covid-19 the biggest problem is not in the lung itself, but in the coagulation of this fine blood network. “Cascading evasion of blood proteins leads to clotting, which prevents proper oxygenation,” he says.

TO TwitterElnara said she is giving blood thinners to all critically ill patients. So far, there have been 60. “Seven are still in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), the rest went to the infirmary or were discharged.” Basically it talks about the Sirio Libanês and 9 de Julho hospitals. “We are making the most of our experience and observations on the public network.

“According to her, the protocol is not yet applied in all hospitals,” because not all colleagues believe in the treatment. ” They want everything based on the evidence with randomized studies. It turns out that we are in the middle of the war and therefore in this case, in our opinion, the clinical observation associated with the autopsy data needs to be taken into account. “

Until the effectiveness of a treatment is proven, he explains, the tests should be done with 300 people, two groups of 150 each. “Half get heparin, the other half don’t. We will have these results soon,” he says.

Viral: ‘Stay home or come dance with us’

Coffin porters who became an international meme paid tribute to doctors working on the front lines against the coronavirus.

In a video posted on the Twitter account of Benjamin Aidoo, creator of the “dance coffin” and owner of a funeral home in Ghana, the group is dressed in white, wearing masks and applauding for healthcare professionals.
