Coronavirus: field hospital in São Paulo should reach maximum occupancy this week


SÃO PAULO and RÍO – In addition to the end of ICU beds in the Rio state network, other states are under pressure from their health systems due to the increase in cases of coronavirus in the country.

In São Paulo, the Pacaembu field hospital, in the West Zone of the city of São Paulo, the first of its kind to receive Covid-19 victims, is expected to reach its maximum capacity this week. According to the Municipal Secretary of Health, Edson Aparecido, the complex currently has 142 people hospitalized. Between the ICU beds and the infirmary, Pacaembu has the capacity to receive a total of 200 patients.

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– An additional 32 patients are expected to arrive (at the Pacaembu hospital). Surely, we will have a maximum occupancy until the end of the week – said the secretary, at a press conference this Monday, at the Palácio dos Bandeirantes.

According to the secretary, 462 coronavirus-infected patients have been treated at the site since March 6. Until then, one person died as a result of complications (a 36-year-old man who had Chagas disease). According to the latest health bulletin, of the 132 patients admitted to Pacaembu, 123 are in wards and nine are in stabilization beds, intended for more serious cases.

The other municipal field hospital, Anhembi, in the Northern Zone, has 353 patients admitted to Covid-19, 335 in the infirmary and 18 in stabilization beds. The hospital has the capacity to serve 1,800 patients. When asked if field hospitals in São Paulo were being underutilized, at least in the case of Anhembi, the secretary said the complexes serve to “relieve pressure on common hospitals”:

– There is no underutilization. They have already fulfilled and will continue to fulfill their role. The peak of the disease has not yet reached São Paulo.

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Statewide, the ICU hospital occupancy rate was 58.9% on Sunday. In Greater São Paulo, the situation is more serious, reaching 77.3% of employment. In the city of São Paulo, the occupancy rate this Sunday was 70%, according to Mayor Bruno Covas. At the Hospital das Clínicas, the largest complex in São Paulo designed to care for Covid-19 victims, the ICU occupancy rate reached 95%.

In Fortaleza, bed occupancy reaches 98%

The situation is also worrying in Ceará. After successfully circumventing the ICU’s capacity with the opening of new beds, Fortaleza again faces the risk of a lack of places for people with the new coronavirus. On Sunday, the occupancy rate in the capital of Ceará reached 98%. Statewide, it was 77%.

Ceará has seen an increase in the number of deaths in recent days. There have been 104 deaths since Friday, an increase of 35% in three days. The total number of people who lost their lives to Covid-19 in the state reached 397. The total number of patients with coronavirus reached 6,783.

Amazon also collapses in the funeral system

Amazonas, which has faced health and funeral crises since last week, has 3,920 confirmed cases and an ICU bed occupancy rate of around 91%. Nursing technician Jaina Ribeiro, 28, felt this desperation on her skin: she was wandering around hospitals behind a bed looking for her father, Marcone Ribeiro, 53. With symptoms of Covid-19, which were recorded every day, he died Saturday, at the Hospital Vinte e Oito de Agosto, which supports the hospitalization of patients with the new coronavirus. This Monday, the effort was to bury the body. The disease has already killed 320 people in the state.

Last week, when Jaina saw her father’s health deteriorate, she decided to record a desperate plea. On her knees, she appeared saying, “For God’s sake, help me get a bed for my father. I beg anyone who can help me in any way. ”

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The video, a true portrait of chaos in the Amazon, was posted on social media in a few hours. Marcone, who needed to be intubated, was in an emergency room without the necessary equipment. After the repercussion of the images, the man was transferred to the ICU on August 28, but the image was already very serious.

– After all I went through trying to take care of my father, now the suffering is giving him a decent burial. Yesterday (Sunday), we spent the whole day doing the funeral. There were 160 burials the same day. They didn’t want to do it at night. Today I am very young. My mother is very bad with all this. It is a great suffering – Jaina said: – Only at dusk did they release the body. Even for my father to be buried with dignity, there was much confusion. This seems like a nightmare.

Jaina between her parents, Marcone and Jocinete Photo: Personal file
Jaina between her parents, Marcone and Jocinete Photo: Personal file

With the acceleration in the number of cases of deaths, the Amazon government created a Crisis Committee for Covid-19, which gathers daily representatives of government agencies involved in actions to combat the pandemic. Among the measures announced is the creation of a patient identification system with a standard bracelet, written with a permanent marker, so that it is possible to monitor the service and, in the event of death, facilitate identification when the body is released.

A process was also started for the hiring of human resources, mainly makeup artists, to act in the management of patients within the units, as well as in the disposal of the bodies before releasing them to the family.

In São Luís, there are only six places left in the ICU

The collapse also reached São Luís, capital of Maranhão: the ICU bed occupancy rate is 94.64%. Of the 112 beds available, only six spaces remain. The situation in the interior of the state, however, is better. Only ten beds of the existing 81 are occupied, representing a use of only 12.35%. There are 2,410 registered cases in the state, with 125 deaths.

In Pernambuco, another state in the northeast with the collapse of the network, the occupancy rate is 98% of the 333 beds in the ICU. 4,898 cases and 415 deaths have been confirmed. In Sergipe, there are 85 ICU beds throughout the state exclusive to Covid-19, including those from SUS and the private network. Nine (three SUS patients and six from the private network) are employed.
